目的 :探讨腔静脉滤器 (VenacavafilterVCF)在深静脉血栓 (DeepvenousthrombosisDVT)—肺栓塞 (PulmonaryembolismPE)病程中的应用价值。方法 :结合本组 2 5例高危深静脉血栓—肺栓塞患者 ,对其中 2 4例置放 5种构型的永久型或临时型下腔静脉滤器 (IVCF) 2 6枚的临床疗效、影响病程与预后因素及病生理改变 ,复习文献分析讨论。结果 :DVT有可能脱落导致PE或致死性肺栓塞 ;置放IVCF可有效预防肺栓塞 ,早期进行溶栓治疗 ,改变预后。结论 :严格按适应证植入IVCF ,对DVT -PE的早期治疗和预防致死性肺栓塞有重要意义 ,但其应用价值需进行综合评价和进一步探讨。
Objective: To investigate the value of Venacavafilter VCF in the course of deep venous thrombosisDVT-Pulmonary embolism PE. Methods: Twenty-five patients with high-risk deep venous thrombosis-pulmonary embolism were enrolled in this study. Twenty-four of them were placed with permanent or temporary IVCF And prognostic factors and disease physiology changes, review the literature analysis and discussion. Results: DVT may lead to PE or fatal pulmonary embolism; placement of IVCF can effectively prevent pulmonary embolism, early thrombolytic therapy and change of prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: Implantation of IVCF in strict accordance with the indications is of great importance for the early treatment of DVT-PE and prevention of fatal pulmonary embolism. However, its application value needs to be evaluated comprehensively and further explored.