
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxun416
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贵州省流行的地方性氟中毒属于燃煤污染型。主要发病原因是家庭燃用高氟煤,室内空气及食物受到严重污染,造成人体摄氟总量(尤其是饮食氟摄入量)过高所致。其防病措施主要是改良炉灶,减轻室内氟污染。同时,需要制订人群总摄氟量标准,从根本上预防本病。鉴于地氟病是过量氟在人体内长期蓄积引起,而婴、幼、儿童期就开始接触氟污染并引起牙齿甚至骨骼氟中毒,地氟病预防的重要对象是儿童。但有关儿童摄氟量标准的研究报道,国内外差异较大。其原因,是地氟病的流行因素十分复杂,各地间差异很大。我省煤烟污染型氟病区 Popular endemic fluorosis in Guizhou Province belongs to coal-burning type. The main cause of the disease is that the family uses high-fluorine coal, the indoor air and food are seriously polluted, resulting in the human body taking up a large amount of fluoride (especially fluoride intake). The prevention measures are mainly to improve the stove, reduce indoor fluorine pollution. At the same time, we need to formulate a population total fluoride intake standards, a fundamental prevention of the disease. Since endemic fluorosis is caused by excessive accumulation of fluoride in the body over a long period of time, infants, young children and children begin to come into contact with fluoride contamination and cause dental fluorosis even skeletal fluorosis. An important target for the prevention of endemic fluorosis is children. However, studies on fluoride exposure to children have reported a large difference at home and abroad. The reason is that the prevalence of endemic fluorosis is very complex and varies widely from place to place. Soot-contaminated area in our province
辽河断陷盆地西部凹陷古潜山顶部地层的时代 ,自 70年代末期以来 ,一直被认为属于中、上元古代。本文通过在总面积为 60 0 km2 的西部凹陷中段系统、详尽的牙形石生物地层研
本文由射线理论出发,简要地阐述了浅层折射地震层析成像方法的原理,并给出了应用实例 Based on the ray theory, this paper briefly expounds the principle of shallow-refr