
来源 :道路交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f6012000
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为提高城市道路交通管理水平和居民生活质量,优化投资环境,促进经济发展和社会稳定、2000年2月,国务院办公厅转发了公安部、建设部、《关于初稿僵城市道路交通管理“畅通工程”的意见》,2月20日,公安部、建设部召开全国实施“畅通工程”动员部署电视电话会,进行动员部署。 实施畅通工程的指导思想是:紧紧依靠党委、政府的领导,各部门密切配合,积极争取广大人民群众的参与和支持。围绕提高交通管理水平这个中心,更新思想观念,改革管理模式,增加科技投入,提高管理效率,重在治本,加快城市交通管理工作科学化、法制化、规范化建设步伐,改善城市交通环境、努力实现交通管理水平与城市经济发展和社会进步的相适应。 2000年两部确定的实施范围为:直辖市、省 In order to improve the level of urban road traffic management and the quality of life of residents, optimize the investment environment and promote economic development and social stability, the General Office of the State Council forwarded the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Construction in February 2000, and the “Open Road Traffic Management on the First Draft of Zuncheng City” “On February 20, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Construction held a nation-wide” Unimpeded Project "to mobilize and deploy the teleconference and make mobilization and deployment. The guiding ideology for smoothing the project is to firmly rely on the leadership of the party committees and governments and the close coordination of all departments so as to actively strive for the participation and support of the broad masses of the people. Focus on improving traffic management level, update ideas, reform management mode, increase investment in science and technology, improve management efficiency, focus on root cause, speed up the pace of scientific, legal and standardization of urban traffic management, improve urban traffic environment and strive to achieve Traffic Management Level Corresponds with Urban Economic Development and Social Progress. In 2000, the two designated implementation areas are: municipalities and provinces
莱姆病的诊断与治疗哈尔滨医科大学第二医院(150086)王贵强莱姆病(LymeDisease,LD)是一种蝉传自然疫源性疾病,因最先在美国康涅狄格州莱姆(Lyme)镇发现而得名,病原为伯氏包柔螺旋体(Borreliaburgdorfer-i,Bb),... Diagnosis and treatme
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学生安全意识和自护自救能力是素质教育的重要内容,本文从数学课堂为例,讲述了数学课堂如何进行安全教育。 The students’ safety awareness and self-help and self-help