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2010年起两岸正就ECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement)后续的子协议有过热烈探讨,包括商务争端解决机制的建构,续行协商。另外,国际贸易全球化时代来临,跨国企业兴起,国际商务急遽增加,纠纷倍增。虽国际商务争议可循国际民事诉讼途径解决,唯程序冗长、旷日费时且伤及和谐,不若国际商务仲裁有经济、迅速、简单、保密及弹性特色,除法律外更引进专家判断,使争议解决更臻公平合理。本文首先介绍国际商务仲裁(InternationalCommercial Arbitration)基本原则,包括当事人自治、仲裁庭独立公正性及法院的保障与监督。其次介绍国际商务仲裁程序法与实体法,前者包括当事人选法、仲裁地法与非当地化理论;后者包括当事人选法及限制、冲突规则及仲裁庭裁量,并对贸易习惯、国际私法、内国法选用与衡平仲裁也有所论述。希盼本文抛砖引玉,为未来两岸建立商务仲裁制度提出建言。 Since 2010, the two sides of the Strait have been discussing enthusiastically subordinate agreements on the follow-up to the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), including the establishment of a business dispute settlement mechanism and the resumption of negotiations. In addition, the advent of an era of globalization of international trade, the rise of multinational corporations, the upsurge of international business and the multiplication of disputes. Although international business disputes can be resolved through international civil lawsuits, the procedures are lengthy, long and time consuming, and hurt harmony. Unless the international commercial arbitration is characterized by economy, speediness, simplicity, secrecy and flexibility, it also introduces expert judgment in addition to law Dispute resolution is more fair and reasonable. This article first introduces the basic principles of InternationalCommercial Arbitration, including the autonomy of parties, the independence and impartiality of arbitral tribunals and the guarantee and supervision of the courts. Secondly, it introduces the international commercial arbitration procedural law and substantive law, the former includes the parties’ selection of law, the law of arbitration and the theory of non-localization; the latter includes the selection and limitation of parties, the rules of conflict and the discretion of the arbitral tribunal. It also analyzes trade customs, private international law, The selection and arbitration of domestic law are also discussed. Hope this article will start with suggestions for the future establishment of business arbitration system across the Taiwan Strait.
我们今天保护文化遗产的活动,是一个时代性的创举,在地球和人类日益面临严重的整体性危机之时,分布在地球各地的人类怀抱着各自的智慧,走到一起来,群策群力,为整个人类的生存、发展和幸福的生活保存机会。  联合国教科文组织1972年通过了《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》,为该组织遗产体系搭建了最初的框架,并使之逐渐成为最有影响的遗产保护公约,直到2003年另一个具有补充抑或竞争性的公约(《保护世界非物质文化
本文介绍一种简易循环闪光电路,该电路元件少,结构简单,适于业余制作。如附图所示。该电路由振荡器和红绿双色发光二极管阵列构成,其中NE555时基电路与外接电阻R_1、 This