周华健 岁月是宝

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在“华健20”北京演唱会海报中,刮了胡子的周华健微笑着垂下眼帘,眼角的皱纹未经任何修饰。岁月对男人的钟爱,是把他经历的沧桑变幻都写在脸上。胸前的那捧花与衣服是素色的,衬出他格外灿烂的笑容。在前不久的某个午夜,他流着泪对自己网站上的健迷们说:“我自由了,因为新唱片的录制完成,更因为20年的辛苦。”第二天一早,他就看见了,健迷们在网站上贴出了用他的26张专辑封面组成了大大的数字“20”。后来这个设计出现在“华健20”北京演唱会典藏海报的右上角。2006年3月31日,在唱完开场的两首歌后,周华健竖起大拇指向观众示意。面对不绝于耳的掌声和欢呼声,他不停地说“谢谢”。一长串的“谢谢”过后,观众的声音低了下去,周华健用手搓了一下麦克风,说:“不小心就已过了20年,我终于 In the ”Hua Jian 20 “ Beijing concert poster, shaved beard, Zhou Huajian smiled and droped her eyes, eyes wrinkles without any modification. Years of love for men, is to experience the vicissitudes of life are written on his face. Chest’s bouquet and clothes are plain, lining his exceptionally bright smile. Some time ago some midnight, he shed tears on the fans on his website: ”I am free, because the recording of the new record is completed, but also because of 20 years of hard work.“ The next morning he Just saw, health fans posted on the site with his 26 album covers formed a big number ”20 “. Later, this design appeared in the upper right corner of the poster of ”Hua Jian 20“ Beijing Concert. March 31, 2006, after singing the opening two songs, Zhou Huajian thumbs up to the audience. In the face of endless applause and cheers, he kept saying ”Thank you “. A long list of ”Thank you“ after the audience’s voice down low, Zhou Hua Jian hand-rubbed the microphone, said: ”I have not been careful over 20 years, I finally
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