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利用变态发育至预蛹期的家蚕制备预蛹粉及脱脂预蛹粉,并添加至饲料中饲喂四氧嘧啶诱导糖尿病模型小鼠,观测小鼠血糖值及基本生理状况和主要脏器指数的改变。试验组糖尿病模型小鼠饲喂添加5%家蚕预蛹粉的饲料后,其“三多一少”症状有显著改善,肝脏指数、肾脏指数和血糖浓度均极显著降低,脾脏指数极显著提高,其中空腹血糖(FBG)比对照模型组小鼠下降20.38%,餐后血糖(PBG)下降39.07%;饲喂添加5%脱脂预蛹粉饲料的糖尿病模型小鼠,其控制血糖效果明显低于预蛹粉添加组。试验组糖尿病模型小鼠饲喂添加1%、5%和10%预蛹粉的饲料后的糖化血红蛋白(HbA1 c)均极显著低于对照模型组小鼠,分别降低了31.39%、45.89%和54.42%;5%和10%预蛹粉添加组模型小鼠的血清C肽极显著高于对照模型组小鼠,分别增加了18.97%和29.31%。试验结果显示,家蚕预蛹粉能有效控制糖尿病模型小鼠的血糖水平,并改善小鼠的基本生理状况和脏器指数,但总体效果略低于拜糖平添加组;脱脂后的家蚕预蛹粉的降血糖效果显著降低,提示其降血糖活性分子可能存在于脂溶性物质中。 The pre-pupa powder and degrease pre-pupa powder were prepared from the silkworms which developed to the pre-pupal stage and added to the diet to feed alloxan-induced diabetic mice, and the blood glucose level, basic physiological condition and major organ index change. Experimental group diabetic mice fed 5% silkworm pre-pupa powder feed, the “three more less a” symptoms have significantly improved, liver index, kidney index and blood glucose concentrations were significantly reduced, the spleen index was significantly (FBG) decreased by 20.38% and the postprandial blood glucose (PBG) decreased by 39.07% compared with the control group. The diabetic model mice fed with 5% defatted pre-pupa powder had a significantly lower blood glucose control effect Pre-pupa powder added group. HbA1c in diabetic mice fed with 1%, 5% and 10% pre-pupa powder was significantly lower than that in the control mice (31.39%, 45.89% and 54.42%. Serum C-peptide levels in 5% and 10% pre-pupa powder-added mice were significantly higher than those in control mice (18.97% and 29.31%, respectively). The results showed that silkworm pre-pupa powder can effectively control blood glucose levels in diabetic mice and improve the basic physiological conditions and organ index in mice, but the overall effect is slightly lower than that of orally administered paclitaxel; The hypoglycemic effect of the powder is significantly reduced, suggesting that hypoglycemic molecules may exist in fat-soluble substances.
蛋白转导是近几年生命科学领域发现的一种独特现象,具有蛋白转导功能的蛋白通过几个短的碱性小肽组成的蛋白转导域(proteintransduction domain,PTD)的介导,能将与其共价连接
对比研究了好氧性细菌生孢噬纤维菌Sporocytophaga sp. JL-01,纤维素诺卡氏菌Nocardia Cellulans sp. HD-86与青霉Penicillium sp. DS-04降解纤维素的特性.通过对上述菌株各