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永暑礁南永 3井岩心是我国首次完整地获得的环礁湖沉积高分辨率柱样 ,井深 5 90m ,全为松散的生物骨壳碎屑。通过高精度TIMS铀系测年计算了沉积速率。全井柱样全新世晚期 16 82aBP以来的平均沉积速率为 3 5mm/a,比同礁同期的礁坪沉积速率 1 2 1mm/a高 ,是高分辨率古环境研究的理想材料。以全湖沉积柱平均沉积速率为准 ,将全柱划分为 4个沉积速率高低交替阶段。这同祖国大陆近 170 0年来的气温波动、冷热分期的变化大体上一致 ,反映了南沙群岛地区对中国大陆乃至全球的气候变化的响应。 Yongshu reef Nanyong 3 well is the first complete high-resolution sedimentary column in the atolinghu of China with a depth of 5 90 m, all of which are loose biological shell detritus. The deposition rate was calculated by high-precision TIMS uranium dating. The average well sedimentation rate since 1682aBP in the late stage of the whole well was 3 5mm / a, which was higher than that of the same reef at the same period, which was an important material for the study of Paleozoic in high resolution. Based on the average deposition rate of sedimentary columns in Quanjiu Lake, the whole column is divided into four stages with high and low sedimentation rates. This is in line with the fluctuations in temperature in the motherland over the past 170 years. The changes in periods of cold and warm are broadly consistent, reflecting the response of the Nansha Islands region to climate change in mainland China and the world at large.
本文在分析 80年代以来我国用水变化趋势基础上 ,探讨了北方地区的缺水程度 ,并对南水北调工程的可调水量提出了一些看法 ;文章还从水资源管理模式、法制和法规建设等方面阐
锦屏一级电站位于四川省凉山州盐源县与木里县交界处的普斯罗沟处 ,下距河口约 35 8km ,距西昌市 187km。电站水库总库容为 77 6亿m3 ,调节库容 49 1亿m3 ,为年调节水库 ;坝型为混
Background:We compare the climate sensitivity of European beech(Fagus sylvatica L) in two forest nature reserves in northeastern Germany.The one reserve,Schloss
介绍了我国目前生产的几种主要的防水卷材、防水涂料、防水保温泡沫塑料、刚性防水材料及密封材料的性能及其使用效果。 This paper introduces the performance of several
通过模型试验 ,将混流式水轮机模型尾水管进口流场测试与水压力脉动测试等实测结果进行对比分析 ,研究水轮机尾水管进口流场与水压力脉动的关系 ,为进一步研究建立尾水管水压
中国经济自 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,进入了快速、稳定发展的阶段 ,人们在为经济发展欢欣鼓舞的时候 ,似乎忽视了生活中一些新的社会现象的产生及其所隐含着的更深层次的矛盾。
不知惊蛰跟人体的荷尔蒙分泌是不是有什么关系,突然发现周遭为情所困的人猛然间如雨后春笋。 同事MM开始失恋。似乎是好戏刚刚演到一半就被迫谢幕下台的那种。反正事实是她