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由于中国纸业市场的巨大发展空间,从上世纪90年代起,世界纸业巨头开始陆续进入中国市场,不少纸业公司对中国的经营战略已由贸易出口转为投资建厂、就地生产。据统计,在国内设厂的国际纸业巨头有10余家,且各家不约而同将投资项目集中在铜版纸等高档纸品领域。 Since the 90s of last century, the world’s paper giants have started to enter the Chinese market one by one due to the huge space for development in the Chinese paper market. Many paper companies have shifted their business strategies to China from trade exports to investment and construction, and in-situ production . According to statistics, there are more than 10 international paper giants set up factories in China, and all of them invariably concentrate their investment projects in such high-grade paper products as coated paper.
close one,s eyes 和 close one’s eyes to 看似相同,意思却截然不同。close one’s eyes 是一般短语。意思是闭上眼睛,仅仅是指闭上眼睛这一动作。例如:He sank back on t
风靡全球的电影《哈利·波特》在我国上映,北京、上海、广州等大城市,有关哈利·波特的玩具在该片上映前一个多月就掀起了抢购潮,让商家狠 The world-famous movie “Harry
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
1. A rat in Tom’s house may eat Tom’s ice-cream.汤姆屋里的一只老鼠说不定会吃了汤姆的冰激凌。这句话中每个英语单词的第一个字母拼成一个什么单词? 2.“Homes”这个
孙小姐在杭州萧山一家外贸公司任职,她精明干练,处处争强。去年圣诞节前夕,她从同行张科长那获悉,美国 Ms. Sun worked for a foreign trade company in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou
英语中,有些单词乍看很像,仅一个字母之差,形成不同词义。请看下列各例句。 1.feint n.&v.i.假装;佯攻adj.虚饰的 faint n.&v.i.昏厥;adj.衰弱的;昏晕的 In English, some
1. “I don’t know why when I begin to read,I can’t help feeling sleepy,” husband said to his wife one night 1. “I don’t know why when I begin to read,I c