
来源 :中国物资经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhy333
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在产品经济或中央高度集权的计划经济条件下,统配物资的价格,只是起到全民所有制企业间互相调拨产品的货币结算作用,国家直接掌握绝对多数的统配物资,主要目的是对资源进行有效配置,没有利益再分配的问题。 我国经济转向有计划的商品经济后,承认生产资料是商品,生产资料实行价格双轨制,加上财政分灶吃饭、物资分级管理、外贸分省包干,形成了国家、地方、企业三者之间的利益划分。在这种情况下,调整国家统配物资上调比重,就会涉及到利益格局的调整,而这种调整是极其艰难的,国家统配物资的分配也就不再仅仅起到资源配置的作用,物资分配中同时发生了利益配置的作用,后者有越来越增强的势头,前者的作用都在相应地减 Under the planned economic conditions of the product economy or the central government, the prices of the unified materials are only used for the currency settlement of the products transferred from each other by the ownership by the whole people. The state directly controls the absolute majority of the unified distribution of goods and materials, and the main purpose is to make resources Effective allocation, no redistribution of benefits. After China’s economy shifted to a planned commodity economy, it acknowledged that the means of production are commodities and that the means of production are based on the dual-track price system. In addition, the fiscal sub-division, the grading management of materials, Division of interests. Under such circumstances, the adjustment of the proportion of state-allocated materials to be adjusted will involve the adjustment of the pattern of interests. This kind of adjustment is extremely difficult and the distribution of the nation’s state-allocated materials will no longer merely serve as a resource allocation. At the same time, the allocation of goods has the effect of the allocation of benefits, the latter has more and more momentum, the role of the former are reduced accordingly
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通过对温州市公立医院和民营医院经济运营现状的抽样调查 ,从现行政策范围内 ,对当前制约民营医院发展的税费问题展开讨论 ,并对完善税费政策 ,鼓励民营医院的进一步发展提出
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我们泱泱大国历来就是音乐的故乡,自古及今,各民族,各地域产生了无数优秀作品,形成了各具特色的地方音乐。作为楚地产物的楚歌,即是独秀于其中的一枝奇葩。  据《山海经》记载,天乐《九辩》和《九歌》是夏禹的儿子夏启从天上偷回人间的,实际这两支歌都是楚地早期的民间音乐。  战国后期,楚歌已发展到成熟的阶段。宋玉《对楚玉问》:“郢人歌《阳春》、《白雪》,国中属而和者,不过数十人。”郢人即楚人,大约当时也常举
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