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经过总任务宣传教育以后,互助合作运动迅速发展,广大农民,尤其是已经组织起来的农民,对学习政治、文化和生产技术的要求日益迫切。为了适应这种新情况,必须认真地办好今年冬学。为此,特作如下指示:一、今年本省冬学工作,必须根据第一次全国农民业余文化教育会议提出的:「今后农民业余文化教育必须紧紧跟随和密切结合着农村互助合作运动,在生产发展的基础上,积极地有计割地扫除农民中的文盲,并逐步提高农民的文化水平,有效地为农业的社会主义改造和发展生产服务」的方针进行。在农村互助合作运动发展较好的地区,应积积极展冬学工作。基础巩固、生产正规、制度健全的生产合作社和互助组,可根据群众自愿和有教师的条件,单独建立冬学、民校和学习小组;或以生产合作社和互助为核心,吸引一般青壮年农民组织学习。对过去冬学、民校有基础 After the general task of propaganda and education, the mutual aid and cooperation movement developed rapidly. The vast number of peasants, especially those already organized, are increasingly demanding on the study of politics, culture and production technology. In order to adapt to this new situation, we must conscientiously handle this winter school. To this end, we hereby make the following special instructions: First, this year’s winter work in our province must be based on the first session of the National Amateur Cultural Education for Peasants: “In the future, amateur cultural education for peasants must closely follow and closely integrate with the rural cooperative and cooperative movement. On the basis of economic development, production and development, we must actively and systematically eliminate illiteracy among peasants and gradually raise the peasants’ cultural level so as to effectively serve the socialist transformation and development of agriculture. ” In the areas where the rural cooperative and cooperative movement is developing well, it is necessary to actively develop the work of developing the winter science. Based on the foundation consolidation, the production of formal and well-established production cooperatives and mutual aid groups can be established separately in winter schools, civilian schools and study groups according to the conditions of the masses on a voluntary basis and with teachers; or the production of cooperatives and mutual aid as the core, to attract ordinary young farmers’ organizations Learn. On the past winter school, the school has a foundation