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前言高炉炼钢铁水直接浇注钢锭模,具有省去金属二次重熔,节约大量能源,提高劳动生产率和钢锭模使用寿命等重大的技术经济意义,自三十年代各工业发达国家陆续采用以来,工艺不断完善,应用范围不断扩大,并有直接进入铸造厂浇注各种异型铸件(包括球铁和蠕铁件)的发展趋势。但是,关于高炉铁水钢锭模合理的化学成份范围,国内外一些资料的介绍各有差异,甚定出现彼此矛盾的主张(见表1)。本文叙述了我们为进一步提高高炉铁水钢锭模的使用寿命,探索其合理的化学成份范围时在大型钢锭模上进行了多次调整化学成份的试验,取得了提高使用寿命的显著效果,并借鉴国内外有关资料提出了我国高炉铁水直接浇 Preface blast furnace steelmaking molten steel directly pouring ingot mold, eliminating the need for secondary metal remelting, saving a lot of energy, improve labor productivity and service life of ingot mold and other major technical and economic significance, since the thirties, industrialized countries have adopted one after another, Continuous improvement of technology, expanding the scope of application, and have direct access to foundry pouring various shaped castings (including ductile iron and vermicular iron pieces) of the development trend. However, regarding the reasonable range of chemical composition of ingot molds for blast furnace ingot, the introduction of some domestic and foreign materials are different, and contradictory assertions are bound to appear (Table 1). This article describes how to adjust the chemical composition of a large steel ingot mold in order to further improve the service life of the blast furnace ingot mold and to explore its reasonable range of chemical composition. The remarkable effect of improving the service life has been obtained. Outside the relevant information put forward the blast furnace hot metal directly
In this paper the synthesis of α-human atrial natriuretic polypeptide fragments (positions, 1-4, 5-10, 11-16, 17-22, 23-28) by solution method is reported. In
生产轴承钢球用的大锉板(图1),为重230kg 的 GCr15钢锻件,使用中要求高的硬度和良好的耐磨性。原先用箱式电炉整体加热、水淬油冷和油浴中低温回火,常常发生淬火变形超差和
尽管奥氏体铸铁的成本较高,由于它具有其他材料所没有的性能,因此在某些应用范围内,仍占有稳固的地位。该类铸铁还在继续发展,其用途和牌号可能还要扩大。 Despite the high
目前国内在利用潜水蒸发经验公式求给水度时,多习惯用几个公式并用于一点资料或几点的资料共用于一式的求解方式验证其可靠 At present, the domestic experience in the u
适应市场经济的要求,尽快把铁路建设搞上去,是当前经济工作的一项十分紧迫的战略任务。 然而,由于铁路是一个资金密集程度高、建设周期长、资金收益率低的产业,如何解决铁路
B型利钠肽(BNP)是1988年日本学者Sudoh等从猪脑中分离的一种激素,重组人BNP(rhBNP)是利用重组DNA技术人工合成的多肽〔1〕。2005年欧洲心脏病学会将其列入慢 B-type natriur