
来源 :中国卫生法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wushupei
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尽管临床医生一直在为治愈患者的疾病、挽救患者的生命而始终不懈地努力着,但是,我们常常不得不面对放弃的问题。实践中,还真有医生主动放弃治疗的,如1987年江西省某市一个医生在未征得病人及家属的同意就擅自终止了一晚期癌症患者的一切治疗。病人家属为此诉至法院,法院认定医生行为无罪。在此,我们不去论证法院的判决,而是就医生主动放弃治疗所引发的法律问题。作一些深人的探讨和研究。一、对放弃治疗的特定理解放弃治疗是指医生根据病人、病人家属的决定或自己审慎的决定对身患绝症,没有康复可能和治疗价值的病人终止维持其生命的医疗不作为行为。鉴于我国对积极安乐死的争议太大,放弃治疗的合法化应仅限于医生终止治疗的不作为行为。而不应包括采取积极措施(如给病人注射致剂量的针 Although clinicians have been working tirelessly to cure the patient’s illness and save the patient’s life, we often have to face the problem of giving up. Practice, there are really doctors give up the treatment, such as a doctor in a city in Jiangxi Province in 1987 without the consent of patients and their families on the termination of a late cancer treatment of all patients. Family members of the patient sued the court, the court found the doctor innocent. Here, instead of arguing the court’s verdict, we will deal with legal issues arising from the doctor’s voluntary giving up of treatment. Make some in-depth discussions and research. First, to give up the specific understanding of treatment Abandonment treatment refers to the doctor according to the patient, the decision of the patient’s family or their own cautious decision for patients with terminally ill, there is no possibility of rehabilitation and treatment of patients to terminate their lives to maintain medical inaction. Given the disputed issue of active euthanasia in our country, the legalization of abandonment of treatment should be limited to the omission of a doctor to terminate treatment. It should not include taking positive measures (such as injecting a dose into the patient’s needle)
我国计划2001年发射第一颗海洋卫星HY-1,主要用于海洋环境及海洋灾害监测,这将填补我国没有海洋卫星的空白,使我国海洋调查的领域大为拓宽。  以海洋卫星为中心,利用飞机、船舶
法律是以权利与义务为核心的。权利与义务构成了法律规范结构的基本范畴。档案法治的价值不仅表现在档案的社会组织结构层面上 ,同时也体现在档案法律规范结构之中。在档案法
TREATISEA Treating Method for Coupling Boundaries With large Movement in Fluid- Solid Interaction DynamicsLi Shengyuan  Qiu Jibao (1 - 1 )…………………………
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ABSTRACTSNonlinearfiniteElementMethodforBeam Shell ComposedStructures.ZHANFu liang ,YANGJia ling ,LIZai liang(SolidMechanicsResearchC ABSTRACTSNonlinearfiniteElementMethodforBeam Shell Composed Structures. Zhan Fu liang, YANG Jia ling, LI Zai liang (Soli
一、改革的必要性 我国的工伤认定制度已经有了近 50年的历史,前 40年沿用的是 1953年由原劳动部颁布的《劳动保险条例实施细则修正草案》确立的因工与否的认定制度。自 1994
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据英《新科学家》2001年1月6日报道 :美国航天科学家们从社会性昆虫(如蚂蚁遍地搜食物蜜蜂到处采蜜)的活动中得到启示 ,计划用成百上千个微型宇宙探测器组成集团军进行小行星探测。在