
来源 :工业卫生与职业病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangyongan
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矽尘是冶金企业对职工身体健康威协最为严重的职业危害之一。多年来工矿企业在改善劳动环境、防治矽肺病方面做了大量工作,取得了不少成绩,涌现了一批诸如东风萤石公司、上海耐火材料厂等延长矽肺病发病工龄和延长患者寿命做得好的单位。但是由于部分单位作业现场的粉尘浓度达不到卫生标准,有的仍然是粉尘弥漫,严重污染作业环境,再加上十年动乱期间防尘、防治矽肺病的工作遭到了干扰破坏,其恶果已经或正在暴露出来。因此,从目前矽肺病的发展趋势看,在一个时期内,即在1990年以前,估计还不可能根本好转。 针对这种实际情况,冶金部提出了在1990年以前防尘防治矽肺病工作的奋斗目标 Silica dust is one of the most serious occupational hazards that the metallurgical enterprises exert on the health of workers and staff. Over the years, the industrial and mining enterprises have done a great deal of work in improving the working environment and preventing and treating silicosis. A number of achievements have been made. A number of enterprises such as Dongfeng Fluorite Company and Shanghai Refractory Material Factory have extended the service life of silicosis and prolonged the life of patients Good unit. However, as the concentration of dust in some units does not reach the hygiene standards, some are still filled with dust and seriously pollute the operating environment. In addition, the work of dust prevention and control of silicosis during the 10-year turmoil has been disrupted and destroyed. Or are being exposed. Therefore, judging from the current development trend of silicosis, it is impossible to see any fundamental improvement over a period of time, that is, before 1990. In response to this actual situation, the Ministry of Metallurgical proposed the goal of dust prevention and treatment of silicosis before 1990
David Juan文章论述低镁血症的临床重要性。镁是人体中参与很多生长、生化功能的一种关键性细胞内阳离子,例如生长、伤口愈合、体温调节、神经肌肉传导、心肌的完整和传导、
目的探讨不同BUN水平脓毒症患者中医证候要素的特征。方法将符合入选标准的2017年1月-2018年12月广州中医药大学第二附属医院(广东省中医院)大学城医院252例重症医学科住院患者,按BUN水平分为较低水平组(BUN<9.25 mmol/L)与较高水平组(BUN≥9.25 mmol/L),收集患者的基线资料、并发症、感染部位等数据,按中医四诊信息并结合BUN水平进行中医证候要素判定,对单因素分析
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