第十讲 博爱众庶 悲悯情怀(上)

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主诗人龙吟:苏东坡有一颗“博爱”之心。他的博爱体现在哪些方面?且看下文——苏东坡有一颗大慈大悲之心,表现在他对陌生人特别地关心。今天我们来谈谈苏东坡的悲悯情怀。在黄州期间,苏东坡的生活很艰难,属于变相劳改,不过好在还有一点行动的自由,可以和各种人来往,虽说是犯官,但多少还是官。有一天,外面刮大风,大雪纷飞,苏东坡独在驿所取酒驱寒,突然从外面闯进来一个人,戴着的竹笠上已经积雪盈寸,就快浑身冻僵了,进了门就向苏东坡要吃的,说是饿坏了。苏东坡二话没说,叫人赶快备饭备酒,同时让这个人擦洗干净,换上自己的干净衣服。开饭时,苏东坡 The main poet Long Wei: Su Dongpo has a “love ” heart. His fraternity is reflected in what? And see below - Su Dongpo has a great compassion, expressed in his special concern for strangers. Today we come to talk about Su Dongpo’s sad feelings. During Huangzhou, the life of Su Dongpo was very difficult and it was a labor reform in disguise. However, fortunately, there was still a little freedom of action. He could communicate with various people. Although he was an offender, he was still an official. One day, the wind was blowing outside, and the snow was flying. Su Dongpo was alone in picking up the wine to get cold. Suddenly he came in from the outside, and he was wearing a bamboo raft that was already filled with snow, and he was quickly frozen. The door was to be eaten by Su Dongpo, saying that it was hungry. Su Dongpo did not say anything, told people to quickly prepare food and prepare wine, and at the same time let this person scrub clean and put on their own clean clothes. During dinner, Su Dongpo
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