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作为高职院校教师,始终以立德树人为根本,以服务发展为宗旨,以促进就业为导向,坚持适应需求、面向人人为宗旨。以教育教学改革为前进动力,切实服务公安政法一线,提高我系对学院工作乃至全省公安政法工作能力。所以课程设置以培养服务型、实用型基层法律服务人才为目标。以深化实践教学改革、完善校内外实习实训基地建设为牵引,紧密联合公安政法实际部门,深化实践教学的内涵,提升人才培养的质量。 As a teacher in higher vocational colleges, we always regard the people of Lima Tree as the foundation, take the service development as our goal, take the promotion of employment as the orientation, insist on adapting to the demand and facing the aim of all people. To education and teaching reform as the driving force for progress, and effectively serve the public security politics and law line, improve my department of the college work and the province’s public security and political work capacity. Therefore, the curriculum is set to cultivate service-oriented and practical grass-roots legal services personnel as the goal. In order to deepen the practice of teaching reform, improve the construction of internship training base inside and outside the school as a traction, the close integration of public security and political and practical departments, deepen the connotation of practical teaching, improve the quality of personnel training.
Melatonin, a hormone-like substance mainly produced by pineal gland, plays many important physiological functions including the control of seasonal reproductio
1.总觉得自己不够好这种人虽然聪明、有历练,但是一旦被提拔,反而毫无自信,觉得自己不胜任。此外,他没有往上爬的野心,总觉得自己的职位已经 1. Always feel that they are
《和老爸在一起的日子——女心理师手记》  [美]简妮丝·斯普林迈克尔·斯普林著   郭辉译  人民文学出版社,2010.1  定价:18.00元    美国畅销书作家、临床心理医生简妮丝·斯普林以令人耳目一新的诚实和柔情,记录了照顾父亲最后5年生命的动人历程。在这个过程中,她是一个多角色、真实的社会人:女儿、妻子、妈妈、职业心理医生,在每日不同的角色轮换中,她力求完美地履行好每一个角色的职责。  
Norepinephrine (NE) has been supposed to be one of the important neurotransmitters modulating immune function.In the present study, the effect of NE on the ant
提高统计能力,提高统计数据质量,提高统计公信力。推进统计信息化,打造透明统计,全面反映兵团事业的成果、兵团职工群众的辛勤劳作和喜悦。 Improve statistical ability, i
日前,为全面、及时、准确了解掌握全省农业生产形势,搞准主要农产品产量数据,河北省统计局决定建立农业生产形势调研制度。一是建立农业生产形势季度分析 Recently, in orde