
来源 :第三军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xamchendehui
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目的建立活体兔膝关节腔内磁靶向细胞移植模型,探讨纳米超顺磁性氧化铁颗粒(superparamagnetic ironoxide,SPIO)标记的种子细胞磁靶向移植修复关节软骨缺损的可行性。方法将8只家兔按随机数字表法分成2组,在其左膝股骨滑车中央制造直径5 mm、深6 mm的圆柱形骨软骨缺损,实验组(n=4)缺损内置入钕铁硼强力磁体,对照组(n=4)置入骨水泥;将体外培养扩增的同种异体兔膝关节软骨细胞经BrdU及SPIO双重标记后注入上述活体兔膝关节腔内,1周后取缺损区组织分别行HE、普鲁士蓝染色及BrdU显色。结果实验动物均存活。HE染色示实验组缺损区内大量细胞聚集生长,SPIO及BrdU双重标记结果显示其来源为外源性注入,形态类似软骨细胞;对照组见缺损区纤维组织增生明显,间以大量炎性细胞,SPIO及BrdU双重标记示外源性注入的细胞散在分布,少量集中于缺损区。实验组与对照组相比,高倍镜下缺损区阳性细胞数有显著性差异(t=6.343,P=0.001)。结论该模型可较好完成SPIO标记的关节软骨细胞活体兔膝关节腔内的磁靶向移植研究,并证实磁靶向技术可以显著提高移植细胞向目标区域聚集生长的效率,且能保留较高的细胞活性。 OBJECTIVE: To establish a magnetic target-cell transplantation model of living knee joint in rabbits and to investigate the feasibility of magnetic target-targeted transplantation of nano-para-magnetic iron oxide (SPIO) seed cells for repair of articular cartilage defect. Methods Eight rabbits were randomly divided into two groups according to the random number table method. A cylindrical osteochondral defect with a diameter of 5 mm and a depth of 6 mm was made in the center of the left knee femur. In the experimental group (n = 4), neodymium iron boron (N = 4) into the bone cement. The in vitro cultured rabbit knee articular chondrocytes were double-labeled with BrdU and SPIO and then injected into the knee joint of rabbits. One week later, the defects were removed District organizations were HE, Prussian blue staining and BrdU color. Results All experimental animals survived. Hematoxylin and eosin staining showed that a large number of cells in the defect area of ​​the experimental group gathered and grew. SPIO and BrdU double labeling showed that the source was exogenous injection, and the morphology was similar to that of chondrocytes. In the control group, fibrous tissue hyperplasia was obvious in the defect area with lots of inflammatory cells, SPIO and BrdU dual markers showed exogenous injection of scattered scattered cells, a small amount of focus on the defect area. Compared with the control group, there were significant differences in the number of positive cells in the experimental group (t = 6.343, P = 0.001). Conclusion The model can accomplish the magnetic target transplantation of rabbit articular chondrocytes in vivo with SPIO-labeled articular chondrocytes. The magnetic targeting technology can significantly improve the efficiency of transplanted cells to aggregate in the target area, and can retain higher Cell activity.
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