前言 防护林体系气象效应是防护林体系综合效益的重要组成部分。近几年国内外研究表明,以往的防护林气象效应研究主要对象是林带和林网,有关防护林体系气象效应的研究还很少,特别是对防护林体系区域性效应研究更为少见。本文通过对兴胜村防护林体系1982年以来气象效应观测资料整理分析,按着由林网到体系的研究途径,初步搞清了防护林体系的气象效应。
Preface The meteorological effects of shelterbelts are an important part of the comprehensive benefits of shelterbelts. In recent years, domestic and foreign researches have shown that the main object of the study on meteorological effects of shelterbelts is the forest belts and forest webs. There are few studies on the meteorological effects of the shelterbelt system, especially the studies on the regional effects of the shelterbelt system. This paper analyzed the meteorological effect data of Xingsheng Village shelterbelt system since 1982 and conducted a preliminary study on the meteorological effects of shelterbelt system according to the research approach from shelterbelt to system.