对于旱田作物在开花期要不要灌水,近几年经群众旱灌的实践,找到了比较科学的答案。谷子转珠怕不怕雨? 有人认为谷子开花期下雨或灌水,会出现秕籽。这是不对的。建平县五间房旱灌试验站1974年作了喷灌机喷花、地面灌溉、用塑料布盖花以及不喷不灌的对比试验,结果以地面灌溉、喷灌的谷子单穗重、千粒重最高,每亩增产粮食58~83斤,而且秕谷
For dryland crops in the flowering or not, in recent years by the practice of drought irrigation, found a more scientific answer. Millet transfer beads afraid of the rain? Some people think millet flowering or rain, there will be seeded seeds. this is not right. Jianping five drought-irrigation test station in 1974 for the sprinkler spraying, surface irrigation, plastic cover with flowers and non-irrigation contrast test, the results of surface irrigation, irrigation spike grain weight per panicle, the highest grain weight , Grain yield per acre 58 to 83 pounds, but also Chu Valley