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魔幻现实主义作为当代拉美文学的主要流派,它的形成和发展直接受到了欧洲超现实主义的影响;魔幻现实主义作家受到了超现实主义追求神奇效果的启发,开始把以印第安人和非洲文化为基础的拉美地区魔幻般的现实付诸笔端。他们还吸收超现实主义描写潜意识活动、表现梦境的创作手法,与印第安神话传说、宗教仪式和拉美民众的传统观念相结合,探索了对客观现实与主观现实同步揭示的创作风格,形成了拉丁美洲本民族的文学特色,进而向世界证明了拉丁美洲文学的存在和发展。 As the main genre of contemporary Latin American literature, magical realism has been directly influenced by the surrealism of Europe. Inspired by the surrealist pursuit of magical effects, magical realism writers began to take the culture of Indians and African cultures as The magical reality of underlying Latin America is put to the pen. They also absorbed the surrealist depictions of subconscious activities and the performance of dreams, combined with Indian myths and legends, religious rituals and the traditional values ​​of Latin American people. They explored the style of creation revealed simultaneously with the objective reality and the subjective reality, forming the Latin American The literary features of this nation have further proved the existence and development of Latin American literature to the world.
A 53-year-old man with bleeding from a sternal mass associated with a toxic syndrome. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a destructive sternal mass, bilateral pl
20世纪初,戴卫德·斯尼登(David Snedden)提出了社会效率职业教育观,主张设置与普通教育泾渭分明的独立职业教育体系,并且为特定阶层的孩子提供特定的职业训练,以此来满足美
【正】 奴隶占有制社会,有两种不同的形态:一是古代东方的奴隶制;二是古典奴隶制(雅典、罗马).这两种不同的形态的说明,不在本文范围之内.但要指出,生产关系的基础是所有制,
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目的研究高同型半胱氨酸血症患者同型半胱氨酸水平与血脂异常的相关性。方法对2017年2月到12月北方某市某体检机构参与体检的58 297例对象的资料进行回顾性研究。通过卡方检
Cardiac papillary fibroelastoma is the third most frequent primary cardiac tumor, after myxoma and fibroma. A papillary fibroelastoma that arises from the papil