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  纽约餐厅的店主Will Horowitz先生用西瓜造出了全新的“熏火腿”,奇怪吗?
  If youre a vegetarian who is curious about or misses the taste of smoked ham, youll be pleased to learn that theres an interesting substitute you can try.
  Will Horowitz, owner of Ducks Eatery in East Village, NYC, has caused an Internet sensation(轰动) with his new “smoked ham” which actually consists not of meat, but a whole watermelon. At first glance, Wills creation looks entirely like meat. And even when you cut into it, the middle has red “flesh”. But the taste is something different,while the initial taste is a salty, meaty one, it quickly transforms into sweetness, especially as you get closer into the center of the “ham”.
  How does Will make a fruit taste like meat? His secret is to prepare the watermelon in a similar fashion to meat. First, he peels the watermelon of its skin and marinates(腌) it for four days in a secret combination of herbs, ash, and salt. Once the watermelon is done marinating, he smokes it for eight hours.
  While some social media users have reacted to this vegetarian ham with positivity and eagerness to try such a feat, others arent as enthusiastic. However, Will has accepted the criticism readily. He enjoys pushing his creativity to the limits in order to bring his diners (就餐者) new dishes: “Thats the whole point of food and cooking! You take things, and you cook and manipulate (控制) it into something new! Thats whats fun, thats whats interesting, thats what you should be seeking for. Dont be so closed minded about foods! Taste, and then make a decision!” This isnt the first time Will has experimented with fruit on his menu, which, I think will also not be the last time.
  Reading check
  Read the text and find the right answers.
  1.Who will be interested in this text?
  A.Those who like to eat ham.
  B.Anyone who tends to like adventure.
  C.A vegetarian who enjoys the taste of smoked ham.
  D.Those who only want to eat watermelon and smoked ham.
  2.Why is the “ham” mentioned in the text special?
  A.It uses a new kind of meat.
  B.It is cooked by a special cook.
  C.It is only created for entertainment.
  D.It looks like meat but uses watermelon.
  3.How does the new “ham” taste like meat?
  A.Cover some meat on it.
  B.Add some colors like meat.
  C.Cook it in a similar way to meat.
  D.Add something tasting like meat to it. 4.What do you think of Will?
  A.Clever but impatient.
  B.Famous and wealthy.
  C.Creative and determined.
  D.Skilled but lack of chance.
  Language study
  1.be curious about 對……感到好奇
  2.consist of 由……组成
  3.react to 对……做出反应
  4.in order to 为了
  5.seek for 寻找
  6.make a decision 做出决定
  Difficult sentence
  This isnt the first time Will (experiment) with fruit on his menu,which,I think will also not be the last time.
摘要:政府的网站设计主要是用于服务民众,为民众提供更加全面的政务信息以及参与国家建设的重要方式。伴随着国家不断发展,政府网站设计也需要进行适当的改变。例如设计人性化政府网站。但是,人性化政府网站想要真正实现人性化,服务于公众,就必然根据公众的需求进行针对性设计。对此,为了确保政府网站建设质量,本文详细分析基于公众需求的人性化政府网站设计思考。  关键词:公众需求;人性化政府网站;网站设计  一、引
1 开门见山n  一般300字左右,紧扣主题,言简意赅,生动而有吸引力。勿作详细的历史回顾或似小综述,教科书有的或人所共知的不必赘述。
我常喜欢靠窗坐坐.rn窗外的牡丹江是一幅流动的画. 江的南岸不远,是我曾经的部队,让我引以为豪的中国空军的摇篮——东北老航校, 现在是空军某部队和民航机场.眺望那个方向,