
来源 :中学生英语·高一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:firemourne
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  Terry Thomas has a very boring job, although it pays very well. What Terry does is sitting in a rowboat all day long. He makes $16.37 an hour, which is certainly an excellent wage for sitting in a little boat and doing nothing.
  The boat stays all day under a bridge that is being rebuilt. There is a distance of about 100 feet between the boat and the workers on the bridge overhead. The rest of Terry’s fellow workers are up on the bridge working. Terry’s job is to rescue anyone who falls off the bridge into the water. So far, no one has given him anything to do. Although he’s delighted that none of his companions has fallen into the water, he also admits that the job is very boring because there is nothing to do.
  No one on the work crew really wants duty on the boat. But the job is a union requirement, and it must be filled. To qualify for the job, a person must be an excellent swimmer and have training in lifesaving skills. Only a few men on the work crew meet those standards. Before Terry took the boat job, several others had it and gave up because they found it so tedious.
  What does Terry do in his little boat all day? He spends a good bit of time making sure that his suntan lotion(防晒剂) is proper for the job of protecting his skin. He reads and listens to the radio. Each day he looks forward to lunch and then to quitting time.
  1. What’s the best title for the passage?
   A. A Boring Job
   B. The Man in a Rowboat
   C. A Job of Great Skill
   D. Hard Physical Labour
  2. which word means the same as the_________underlined word “tedious”?
   A. difficult B. boring
   C. serious D. tiring
  3. Terry uses the suntan lotion because________.
   A. he likes the smell
   B. he’s out in the sun all day
   C. his shirt is torn
   D. it keeps the fly away
  4. The best part of Terry’s job is________.
   A. saving those who fell off the bridge
   B. getting to work with his friends
   C. the chance of promotion
   D. the pay, lunch, and quitting time
  When Xia Min started drinking alcohol with classmates to celebrate her friend’s birthday, she didn’t realize a tragedy was drawing near. She drank a lot and fell into a coma(昏迷). The 15-year-old girl from Chongqing never recovered, leaving great sorrow for her family and friends.
  Xia’s death is a warning to other students and society. As more and more teenagers are drinking alcohol, the government has passed a new rule to stop them.
  Teens are not allowed to buy or drink alcohol. Shops are not allowed to sell it to them and must display warning signs. The rule went into effect on January 1, 2006.
  A 1999 Chinese law forbade shops to sell alcohol to underage youths. But it is not taken seriously by shopkeepers because it lacks specific punishments.
  Experts hope the new rule will work. It sets a 2,000 yuan fine for those who sell alcohol to underage youths.
  China doesn’t have a legal drinking age. But in China “underage” has been understood to mean under 18.
  “I tasted alcohol when having the dinner of the last New Year’s Eve,” said Liang Yuqi, a 16-year-old girl in Xiamen. She believes that the new rule will stop students’ curiosity about alcohol and help them grow in a healthy way. “Although it may be a little disappointing not to have beer at celebrations, I think soft drinks can be served as well,” she said.
  1. The passage is mainly about______.
   A. the harmful effects of drinking alcohol
   B. the legal age for drinking alcohol
   C. a new rule to stop the underage drinking
   D. students’ ideas about drinking alcohol
  2. What can we know from the passage?
   A. According to the new rule, it is illegal for underage youths to drink alcohol.
   B. In China there has been no law to forbid shops to sell alcohol to underage youths.
   C. Without an ID card, young people can’t buy alcohol.
   D. It seems that the young girl, Liang Yuqi, likes to drink alcohol.
  3. We can conclude from the passage that_____.
   A. China’s legal drinking age is clearly defined to be under 18
   B. whether the new rule can work still remains to be seen
   C. shoppers for alcohol must show their proof of age
   D. many teens prefer to drink alcohol to show they’ve grown up
  1. A。标题判断题,可用主题分析法来解。认真阅读原文可知,文章首句为主题句,由此不难推出答案。
  2. B。语境词义判断题,可用语境词义推断法来解。由原文第二节he also admits that the job is very boring because there is nothing to do.可知,枯燥乏味是这项工作最大的特点。
  3. B。推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。由原文第四节for the job of protecting his skin可以推出Terry之所以要使用防晒剂是因为他整天在室外晒太阳。
  4. D。推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。由原文第一节末句中的an excellent wage和全文末句可以推出Terry工作最好的内容是薪水、午餐和下班时间。
  1. C。归纳综合题,可用概括归纳法来解。认真阅读分析原文可知,本文主要介绍中国政府颁布新法禁止未成年人喝酒的情况。
  2. A。细节判断题,可用直接就题找文法来解。原文第三节首句体现答案。
  3. B。推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。由原文第五节首句Experts hope the new rule will work.可以推理新的禁止未成年人喝酒的法律是否有效仍有待于实践检验。
摘 要:我国B2C自营网上药店发展进入瓶颈期,通过大数据技术强化其持续盈利能力。本文以“1药网”的发展和盈利模式为例,分析我国B2C自营网上药店盈利模式存在的问题,提出以大数据技术创新其盈利模式的建议。B2C网上自营药店目前存在着大数据技术应用不够深入无法有效转化为利润的问题,如消费者黏合度低,对客户的个性化需求满足和精准商品推荐不够;利润渠道单一,未实现深度定向服务;利润杠杆措施不够,未充分发挥