萝卜又名菜菔、芦菔,是十字花科萝卜属的一、二年生草本植物。我国长江流域地区,是大型萝卜的起源地之一,由于气候条件适宜萝卜生长,因而形成了萝卜品种的不同生态类型,为选育周年供应市场的品种提供了丰富的素材。 一、萝卜的生态类型及其特征 1.秋冬萝卜类型:它是当前生产上主要的栽培类型,其品种数量多,产品质量高,且用途广。 秋冬萝卜一般在夏末秋初播种,秋末冬初收获,生长期为60—100天。根据萝卜皮色可分为红皮、绿皮、白皮、绿皮红心等不同品种群。生食、熟食和腌制均可。
Also known as radish radish, reed, is a cruciferous radish genus, biennial herbs. As one of the origins of the large radish in the Yangtze River Basin in our country, different ecological types of radish varieties have been formed due to the suitable climatic conditions for radish growth, which provides abundant materials for breeding varieties of annual supply market. First, the ecological type of radish and its characteristics 1. Autumn and winter radish types: It is the current production of the main types of cultivation, the number of varieties, product quality, and wide range of uses. Autumn and winter radishes are usually sowed in early summer and early autumn, autumn and early winter harvest, the growth period of 60-100 days. According to radish skin color can be divided into red skin, green, white, green skin and other varieties of different groups. Raw food, cooked food and pickled can be.