Spatio-temporal reconstruction of air temperature maps and their application to estimate rice growin

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biote | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m116730647
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The accumulation of thermal time usually represents the local heat resources to drive crop growth.Maps of temperature-based agro-meteorological indices are commonly generated by the spatial interpolation of data collected from meteorological stations with coarse geographic continuity.To solve the critical problems of estimating air temperature(T a) and filling in missing pixels due to cloudy and low-quality images in growing degree days(GDDs) calculation from remotely sensed data,a novel spatio-temporal algorithm for T a estimation from Terra and Aqua moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) data was proposed.This is a preliminary study to calculate heat accumulation,expressed in accumulative growing degree days(AGDDs) above 10 ℃,from reconstructed T a based on MODIS land surface temperature(LST) data.The verification results of maximum T a,minimum T a,GDD,and AGDD from MODIS-derived data to meteorological calculation were all satisfied with high correlations over 0.01 significant levels.Overall,MODIS-derived AGDD was slightly underestimated with almost 10% relative error.However,the feasibility of employing AGDD anomaly maps to characterize the 2001-2010 spatio-temporal variability of heat accumulation and estimating the 2011 heat accumulation distribution using only MODIS data was finally demonstrated in the current paper.Our study may supply a novel way to calculate AGDD in heat-related study concerning crop growth monitoring,agricultural climatic regionalization,and agro-meteorological disaster detection at the regional scale. The accumulation of thermal time usually represents the local heat resources to drive crop growth. Maps of temperature-based agro-meteorological indices are generally generated by the spatial interpolation of data collected from meteorological stations with coarse geographic continuity. Solve the critical problems of estimating air temperature (T a) and filling in missing pixels due to cloudy and low-quality images in growing degree days (GDDs) calculation from remotely sensed data, a novel spatio-temporal algorithm for T a estimation from Terra and Aqua moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data was proposed. This is a preliminary study to calculate heat accumulation, expressed in accumulative growing degree days (AGDDs) above 10 ° C, from reconstructed T a based on MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data. T a, minimum T a, GDD, and AGDD from MODIS-derived data to meteorological calculation were all satisfied with high correlations over 0.01 si gnificant levels. Overall, MODIS-derived AGDD was slightly underestimated with almost 10% relative error. Yet, the feasibility of employing AGDD anomaly maps to characterize the 2001-2010 spatio-temporal variability of heat accumulation and estimating the 2011 heat accumulation distribution using only MODIS data was finally demonstrated in the current paper. Your study may supply a novel way to calculate AGDD in heat-related study concerning crop growth monitoring, agricultural climatic regionalization, and agro-meteorological disaster detection at the regional scale.
摘要:学校是知识创新、传播和应用的主要基地,也是培养创新精神和创新人才的摇篮。数学课堂应是充满创新性的课堂;数学创新教育主要发展学生的思维能力,使其在数学问题的探索中有新的发现,在数学方法上有所创新,在思维层次上有新的提高。要让学生在研究性学习中,敢于奇思妙想,善于从不同角度思考和发现新问题,培养其创新品质。  关键词:初中数学;课堂;呼呼;创新教学  创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达不竭
摘 要: 初三化学课是初中教学中的一门关键课程,对于培养学生科学探究精神,创造能力以及独立处理问题的能力都具有非常现实的价值与意义。由于化学教学相对比较抽象,因此在教学过程中教师要把握方法,在教学中有机地激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生由学习知识转化为学习素养。  关键词:化学;教学;兴趣;培养  兴趣是最好的老师。兴趣能促进学生学习的内在动力和思维能力,能调动学生学习的积极性、主动性、自觉性;是学生搞