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茶假眼小绿叶蝉是福建省茶叶最主要病虫害之一,刺吸嫩梢汁液,致芽叶卷曲、硬化,叶尖、叶缘红褐焦枯,影响茶叶的产量与质量。该虫世代重叠明显,为害盛期在低山茶区为5~6月及9~10月、在高山茶区为7~9月。去冬今春,全省虽然降水偏少,但气温偏高,有利于茶假眼小绿叶蝉越冬繁殖。当前虫口密度已较高,局部地区已超过防治指标,发生面比去年同期大。据永泰、福安、福鼎、尤溪、南靖、华安等5月上旬调查,百叶虫量有2~14头,平均百叶虫量5.2头、比去年同期多17.2%;虫 Tea leaf false eye green leafhopper is one of the most important pests and diseases of tea in Fujian Province, puncturing young shoots juice, causing bud curl, sclerosis, leaf tips, leaf margin red brown coke, affecting the yield and quality of tea. The pest generations overlap obviously, the damage peak in the low mountain tea area for May to June and September to October, in the high mountain tea area for July to September. Winter to spring, although the province less rainfall, but the high temperatures, is conducive to tea false eye small leafhopper overwintering reproduction. At present, the density of insect population has been relatively high, and some areas have exceeded the prevention and control index. The occurrence area is larger than the same period of last year. According to the surveys conducted by Yongtai, Fu’an, Fuding, Youxi, Nanjing and Huaan in early May, the number of flamingo was between 2 and 14 and the average number of flamingo was 5.2, 17.2% more than that of the same period of last year.
Three viscotoxins have been isolated from Chinese mistletoe, Viscum coloratum (Kom.) Nakai. The primary structures were determined unambiguously by the combinat
Eight N-substituted diketopiperazines (DKPs) were synthesized by solid-phase protocols. The introduction of iminodiacetic acid (Ida) and followed another α-ami
“MSTAT”是MICROCOMPUTERSTATISTICAL PROGRAM的缩写。是美国密执安州立大学作物土壤学系和农业经济系编写、用于农业试验及其统计分析的微型计算机程序(软件)包。其特点: