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多年来,屋面采用水落管集中排水的方式一直较为普遍。从使用情况来看,由于设计、施工等多方面的原因,接头漏水、卡箍锈蚀损坏、管节脱落、铁皮咬口松动等问题较为突出,在水落管损坏处,饰面变霉发黑、酥松剥落等现象很是普遍,不仅影响观感,同时也给用户带来许多不应有的麻烦。由于水落管是公共之物,再加上问题一般都是出在高空部位,所以一旦出现问题,很难得到及时的维修和保护。 针对水落管容易出现的问题,预防措施如下: 一、保证水落管及其卡件的制作和防腐质量 施工规范规定,水落管及其管箍卡件,如用镀锌铁皮制作,应经风化或涂刷专用底漆后再刷两遍罩面漆;如用黑铁皮制作,成型后,两面均应涂刷防锈底漆两道,再涂刷罩面漆两道。从实际施工情况来看,与规范要求相差较远。凡用镀锌铁皮制作的,再进行刷漆防腐的基本上没有;用黑铁皮制作 Over the years, it has been common for roofs to use centralized downpipe drainage. From the point of view of use, due to various reasons such as design and construction, problems such as leakage of joints, corrosion of hoop rust, loss of pipe sections, loosening of iron sheet, etc. are more prominent. At the place of falling water pipes, the finishes become moldy and black. Crisp and peeling and other phenomena are very common, not only affect the perception, but also give the user a lot of undue trouble. Since the downspout is a public thing, plus the problem is usually in the upper part of the air, so once there is a problem, it is difficult to get timely maintenance and protection. For the easy-to-appear problems of the downspouts, the preventive measures are as follows: 1. Ensure that the downfall pipe and its clamps are manufactured and the quality of corrosion protection. The construction specifications state that the downspouts and their pipe clamps shall be made of galvanized iron and should be weathered or painted. Brush the special primer and then brush the paint twice. If it is made of black iron, after molding, both sides should be painted with two anti-rust primers and two coats of top coat. From the actual construction situation, far from the standard requirements. Where the galvanized iron sheet is used, the brushing and anti-corrosion are basically not done;
我wǒ知zhī道dào,下xià面miàn的de这zhè一yī横hénɡ  是shì一yī根ɡēn树shù枝zhī  一yī只zhī鸟niǎo儿er落luò在zài上shànɡ面miàn  脚jiǎo爪zhǎo紧jǐn紧jǐn地de抓zhuā着zhe  嗬hē,这zhè只zhī鸟niǎo儿er还hái仰yǎnɡ着zhe小xiǎo脑nǎo袋dɑi  唧jī唧jī喳zhā喳zhā叫jiào着zhe呢n
As everybody knows,Mark Twain is a great social critic as well as a great humorist in the late 19th century.In order to present the characteristics of Mark Twai
蘇聯科學院院長瓦維洛夫,於1月25日不幸病逝了! 中國科學院院長郭沫若代表了中國的科學工作者以這樣沉痛的詞句來悼念蘇聯科學院院長、蘇聯最高蘇維埃代表、全蘇聯政治与科
人们都知道猪八戒能吃,好吃。但自从跟着师父取经回来,猪八戒发现在“吃”这方面还真是大有学问,需要再学习。于是,他带着这个想法来到了人间。  猪八戒来到一家食堂(shí táng),正好是中午,只见一群“上班族(zú)”熙(xī)熙攘(rǎng)攘地往食堂赶,嘴里不住地说:“吃食堂啦!吃食堂啦!”猪八戒听后大为困惑(kùn huò):食堂能吃吗?再说那么大的食堂怎么能吃进肚子里呢?即便是我的肚子也装