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高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,落实十五大确定的各项任务,需要加强和改善党的领导,进一步把党建设好,加强党的建设,必须重视思想建设并放在首位,当前,做好对离退休干部的思想政治工作是形势发展的客观需要。随着离退休干部队伍的不断扩大,老干部已成为改革开放,经济发展、社会稳定中一支不容忽视的重要力量,由于老同志退出领导岗位后,学习条件及身体状况发生了变化,因此,要确保老同志理想永存、思想常新、适应形势、支持改革,需要老干部工作部门及各级组织不断地对他们进行政治思想方面的教育和引导。这也是贯彻中央关于“领导干部必须讲政治”的需要,是落实老干部政治待遇以及关心爱护老干部的重要方面。老干部工作的经验告诉我们,老干部的各项工作,都要思想政治工作领先,要将思想政治工作渗透到老干部的每项具体工作中去,才能使老干部工作常做常新。因此,在新形势下,加强老干部思想政治工作是做好老干部工作的主旨,对于如何根据当前形势和老干部的心理特点,变化规律,采取相应的方法和形式发展适合老 Holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and implementing the tasks set by the 15th CPC Congress, we need to strengthen and improve the party’s leadership. To further build the party and strengthen party building, we must attach importance to ideological development and give top priority to the current situation. Retired cadres’ ideological and political work is an objective need for the development of the situation. With the continuous expansion of the ranks of retired cadres, the veteran cadres have become an important force that can not be ignored in the process of reform and opening up, economic development and social stability. Since the old comrades changed their leadership conditions, their learning conditions and physical conditions have changed. Therefore, we must To ensure that the ideal of the old comrade will last forever, his thinking is new, he will adapt to the situation and support the reform, and he will need the departments and organizations at all levels to constantly educate and guide them in political and ideological fields. This is also the implementation of the central authorities’ demand that “leading cadres must talk about politics” and is an important aspect of implementing the political treatment of veteran cadres and caring for and protecting elders. The experience of veteran cadres tells us that the veteran cadres must take the lead in ideological and political work. If we want to infiltrate the ideological and political work with each specific task of the veteran cadres, we must make the work of veteran cadres always new. Therefore, in the new situation, strengthening the ideological and political work of veteran cadres is the keynote of doing well the work of veteran cadres, and as to how to follow the current situation and the psychological characteristics of veteran cadres and change the law, and adopt appropriate methods and forms to develop suitable for the old
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