
来源 :劳动理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iuxiaolove
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生育保险的开展使劳动者在生育期间的费用得到了较好的补偿,也为企业减轻了负担。但是,随着生育保险基金支付金额逐年增加,收不抵支的情况已成为普遍问题,它将直接影响到今后生育保险的正常运行,令人十分担忧。享受生育待遇的人员逐年增多,致使生育保险基金支付急剧增加是当前生育保险运行的现状。以成都市龙泉驿区为例,1999年享受生育保险待遇的人员 The development of maternity insurance enables workers to get better compensation for their expenses during their birth and lightens the burden on enterprises. However, as the amount paid by the maternity insurance fund has been increasing year by year, the problem of non-payment coverage has become a common problem that will directly affect the normal operation of maternity insurance in the future. This is of great concern. The number of people enjoying reproductive treatment has been increasing year by year, resulting in a sharp increase in the payment of maternity insurance funds as the current status of maternity insurance. Take Longquanyi District of Chengdu as an example. In 1999, it was entitled to maternity insurance
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编辑部老师您好:  我叫孙喜友,2009年第八期贵刊刊出我的《石粉变塑料,改变我的命运》,时间又过去了大半年,投资办厂一年来,石粉变塑料让我收获了财富和快乐。  去年我已买了新楼房,安了新家,又购买了一辆新货车,专门运送塑化剂,短短一年,我的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,真的像做梦一样。2004年我在吉林农安县和妻子经营着一家超市,年收入七八万元,日子过的轻松舒心,一位朋友让我担保贷款30万,谁知朋友