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每个在沃尔玛购物的人,手上都有一张印有 We sell for less always 英文字样的消费凭据,意思是“天天平价,始终如一”。这就是沃尔玛驰骋全球零售业沙场的营销策略,也是它成功经营的核心法宝。询问沃尔玛的员工:沃尔玛的成功经营秘诀何在?他们大都回答:便宜。他们会举例说沃尔玛5元钱进货的商品3元钱卖。古往今来,商家皆谋三分利。5元钱进货的商品3元钱卖,天底下怎会有这样的事情呢?实际上,商店不可能所有的商品都如此打折销售。商场里只有部分商品如此打折;不仅是部分打折,而且是轮流打折——今天是日用品打折,明天是调料打折;本周是烟酒打折,下周是食品打折。其他商品的价格与其他超市的价格则没有差别。沃尔玛真实的营销状况是这样的:先说消费者。那些知道打折商品又意欲购买的消费者显然愿意前去购物,但去超市是要花车费和时间的。既然去了,理性的选择哪能只购买打折商品呢?一般总是要同时购买一些别的商品。那些不知道打折商品的人又当怎样呢?虽然不知道具体打折的商品是 Everyone shopping at Wal-Mart has a voucher printed with the words We sell for less always in English, which means “every day is cheap and consistent”. This is Wal-Mart’s marketing strategy for the global retail market, and it is also the core magic weapon for its successful operation. Ask Wal-Mart employees: What are the secrets of Wal-Mart’s success? Most of them answered: Cheap. They will give an example to say that Wal-Mart’s five-dollar goods will be sold for three yuan. Throughout the ages, businesses are seeking third-party profits. If you buy 5 yuan worth of goods and sell them for 3 yuan, how can you have such things under the sun? In fact, it is unlikely that all stores will sell at a discount. Only some of the products in the mall are so discounted; not only are they partially discounted, but they are also discounted in turns - today is a discount on daily necessities, tomorrow is a seasoning discount; this week is a tobacco and alcohol discount, and next week is a discount on food. There is no difference between the prices of other commodities and the prices of other supermarkets. The real marketing situation of Wal-Mart is this: First of all, consumers. Those consumers who are aware of the discounted goods and want to buy are obviously willing to go shopping, but going to the supermarket is to spend money and time. Since it has gone, how can rational choice only buy discounted goods? Generally, it is always necessary to purchase some other goods at the same time. What about people who don’t know about discounted merchandise? Although they don’t know what the discounted merchandise is
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