
来源 :近代史学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaka43210
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手工业生产在近代中国的社会经济结构中占有着重要地位。本文从贫困化与手工业生产、消费类型与特定市场、弹性机制与产销合一、自我完善与适者生存、无力转化与因陋就简、必然过程与应有之义等不同的侧面,论述了传统手工业在近代中国社会经济中的结构与功能,探讨了传统手工业在现代化过程中所扮演的角色与作用。结论是,这一历史局面的形成,不仅是由于近代中国社会、农民和城市手工业者难以摆脱的贫困化压力,也在于即便当近代大工业兴起之后,传统手工业生产仍然有其存在的意义、价值和合理性。 Handicraft production occupies an important position in the social and economic structure of modern China. This paper discusses the traditional handicraft industry from the different aspects of poverty and handicraft production, consumption type and specific market, flexible mechanism and production and marketing, self-improvement and survival of the fittest, inability to transform and simple, inevitable process and proper meaning, The structure and function of modern Chinese society and economy, and the role and function of traditional handicraft industry in the process of modernization. The conclusion is that the formation of this historical situation is not only due to the pressure of impoverishment that is difficult for the social Chinese, peasants and urban handicraftsmen in modern China to escape from, but also because the traditional handicraft industry still has its significance even after the rise of modern big industry. And rationality.
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