Mapping QTLs for Drought Tolerance at Seedling Stage in Rice Using Doubled Haploid Population

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DragonDoor
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QTLs for drought tolerance at the rice seedling stage were analyzed using a doubled haploid (DH) population consisted of 251 lines from the cross between a japonica parent Maybelle and an indica parent Baiyeqiu. A genetic linkage map with 226 SSR marker loci was constructed. Single-locus analysis following composite interval mapping (CIM) detected a total of five QTLs located on five different chromosomes of rice. Four QTLs were also detected following two-locus analysis, resolving two pairs of epistatic QTLs (E-QTLs) with positive and additive genetic effects. The results indicated that the alleles from the parent Baiyeqiu contributed DH population to improve drought tolerance at the seedling stage. QTLs for drought tolerance at the rice seedling stage were analyzed using a doubled haploid (DH) population consisted of 251 lines from the cross between a japonica parent Maybelle and an indica parent Baiyeqiu. A genetic linkage map with 226 SSR marker loci was constructed. Single -locus analysis following composite interval mapping (CIM) detected a total of five QTLs located on five different chromosomes of rice. Four QTLs also also followed the two-locus analysis, resolving two pairs of epistatic QTLs (E-QTLs) with positive and additive genetic effects. The results indicated that the alleles from the parent Baiyeqiu contributed DH population to improve drought tolerance at the seedling stage.
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