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中绿一号绿豆品种系中国农业科学院品种资源研究所1983年自亚洲蔬菜研究与发展中心引进的优良品种,同年引入我市试种,经过加代繁殖,几年来,全市累计推广面积93.4万亩,仅1989年推广面积就达45.44万亩。裴营乡常营村种植的1200亩中绿一号,平均单产160公斤,最高田块亩产达300公斤以上。通过试验示范和生产实践,摸索出一套中绿一号夏播高产栽培技术,现介绍如下。 In the green bean varieties of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of species and resources in 1983 from the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center introduced varieties, the same year the introduction of the city trial planting, after the Canadian generation of breeding, the past few years, the city’s total area of ​​934000 mu, Only in 1989 to promote an area of ​​454400 acres. Peiying Township Camp Village planted 1,200 acres in the green one, the average yield of 160 kg, the highest yield per mu up to 300 kg of land. Through trial and demonstration and production practice, worked out a set of green sowing high-yielding cultivation techniques, are presented below.
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