Influence of explosion parameters on wavelet packet frequency band energy distribution of blast vibr

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxhwx
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Blast vibration analysis is one of the important foundations for studying the control technology of blast vibration damage.According to blast vibration live data that have been collected and the characteristics of short-time non-stationary random signals,the wavelet packet energy spectrum analysis for blast vibration signal has made by wavelet packet analysis technology and the signals were measured under different explosion parameters(the maximal section dose,the distance of blast source to measuring point and the section number of millisecond detonator).The results show that more than 95% frequency band energy of the signals s1-s8 concentrates at 0-200 Hz and the main vibration frequency bands of the signals s1-s8 are 70.313-125,46.875-93.75,15.625-93.75,0-62.5,42.969-125,15.625-82.031,7.813-62.5 and 0-62.5 Hz.Energy distributions for different frequency bands of blast vibration signal are obtained and the characteristics of energy distributions for blast vibration signal measured under different explosion parameters are analyzed.From blast vibration signal energy,the decreasing law of blast seismic waves measured under different explosion parameters was studied and the wavelet packet analysis is an effective means for studying seismic effect induced by blast. Blast vibration analysis is one of the important foundations for studying the control technology of blast vibration damage. According to blast vibration live data that have been collected and the characteristics of short-time non-stationary random signals, the wavelet packet energy spectrum analysis for blast vibration signal has made by wavelet packet analysis technology and the signals were measured under different explosion parameters (the maximal section dose, the distance of blast source to measuring point and the section number of millisecond detonator). The results show that more than 95% frequency band energy of the signals s1-s8 concentrates at 0-200 Hz and the main vibration frequency bands of the signals s1-s8 are 70.313-125,46.875-93.75,15.625-93.75,0-62.5,42.969-125,15.625-82.031 , 7.813-62.5 and 0-62.5 Hz. Energy distributions for different frequency bands of blast vibration signal are obtained and the characteristics of energy distributions for blast vibration signal measured un der different explosion parameters are analyzed. Frozen blast vibration signal energy, the decreasing law of blast seismic waves measured under different explosion parameters was studied and the wavelet packet analysis is an effective means for studying seismic effect induced by blast.
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