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  1. loud/aloud/loudly
  [词语辨析]这三个词均为“声音大”。1)loud可作形容词成副词,表示“声音响亮”,用作副词时,常与read, laugh, talk, speak等动词搭配,置于其后; 2)aloud用作副词,指“出声”,让人听见,常与speak, shout, read, think等动词搭配; 3)loudly是副词,含贬义,尤指“吵闹地,喧嚷地”,可与任何表示声响的动词搭配。
  Please speak a little ____. I can’t hear you clearly.(山东省)
   A. aloud B. louder C. loud D. loudlier
  [答案] B
  2. like/enjoy
  [词语辨析]二者均表示“喜欢”,但用法不同:1)like是一般用语,不带有强烈感情色彩,后接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语。常用句式为like sth./doing sth./to do sth.。 2)enjoy在意思上更侧重于“享受乐趣”,后面接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。常用句式为enjoy sth./doing sth.。
  1. I’m very thirsty. I’d ____ some water. (北京市)
   A. like B. love C. want D. read
  2. He doesn’t enjoy ____(listen) to the light music.(江苏省)
  3. Did he enjoy himself yesterday? (同义替换)(北京市)
   A. have a rest B. have a good time
   C. have time D. have a swim
  [答案]1.A 2.listening 3.B
  3. kind of/a kind of/all kinds of
  [词语辨析]1)kind of通常跟不带不定冠词a/an的单数名词或复数名词,表示“种类”;kind of还常用于口语,意为“有几分,稍稍”。2)a kind of“一种”; 3)all kinds of “各种各样的”。
  What ____ movie do you like? (山东省)
   A. kinds of B. kind of C. kinds on D. kind on
  [答案] B
  4. just now/right now/from now on/now and then
  [词语辨析]1)just now“刚才,不久之前”,常与一般过去时连用;2)right now“立刻、马上”,相当于right away; 3)from now on“从今以后”,多用于一般将来时;4)now and then“时而,不时”。
  1. ——Hello, may I speak to Miss Smith?
  ——I’m sorry. She left here ____. (黄冈市)
   A. just now B. now and then C. right now D. from now on
  2. Tom was here just now. He may have gone to the reading room.(同义词替换)(河北省)
   A. at the moment B. just then
   C. a short time ago D. right away
  [答案]1.A 2.C
  5. join/take part in
  [词语辨析]这两个词均表示“参加、加入”,但含义有别:1)join指加入某一党派、团体、人群中的一员,相当于become member of。2)take part in表示“参加某项运动、比赛、活动或事件,并在活动中负有责任”。例如:
  1. China ____ the WTO and became a new member of it last year. (北京市)
   A. joined B. join C. will join D. was joined
  2. Some students are expected to ____ the English evening.
   A. take part in B. take C. join D. go
  [答案]1.A 2.A
  6. interest/interested/interesting
  [词语辨析]三者均与“兴趣”有关,但用法不同:1)interest用作不可数名词,意思是“兴趣、趣味”,用作可数名词意思是“爱好”,用作动词时意思为“使(人)发生兴趣”,其主语多为事物。2)interested是形容词,有被动意味,“对……感兴趣的”,主语通常是人,多用于be/become/get/feel interested in结构中。3)interesting也是形容词,有主动意味,“令人感兴趣的”,作表语时主语通常是物。作定语时,既可修饰人,也可修饰物。
  1. Edison was ____ in science when he was young. (贵州省)
   A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. to interest
  2. I don’t like this film. It’s ____ that one.(北京市)
   A. as interesting as B. less interesting as
   C. more interesting than D. not so interesting as
  3. Listening to music is one of his greatest ____ in his free time. (据意填词)(镇江市)
  4. Skating seems to be Mary’s only ____ (兴趣) in her life. (大连市)
  [答案]1.B 2.D 3.interests(可数名词) 4.interest
  7.instead/instead of
  [词语辨析]这两个“代替”,前者为副词,后者为介词短语。instead of还含有“对比”之意,译成汉语时“代替”不一定译出。注意:instead of后常接名词、代词、动名词或介词短语。
  1. She doesn’t want that book. She wants this one. (同义句转换)
  She wants this book ____ ____ that one. (广东省)
  2. Ann didn’t laugh at me. ____, she helped me a lot.(河南省)
  [答案]1.instead of 2.Instead
  8. in front of/in the front of
  [词语辨析]两者都表示“在……前”,但含义不同。1)in front of表示“在某物外部的前面”;2)in the front of表示“在某物靠前的部位,即内部之前”。
  1. The man ____ Mary was so tall that she could hardly see the show.(内蒙古)
   A. in front of B. in the front of
   C. at the back of D. behind
  2. I sat ____ the classroom, so that I heard the teacher very clearly.
   A. in front of B. behind C. in the front of D. at the back of
  [答案]1.A 2.C
  9. if/whether
  [词语辨析]if与whether均可引导宾语从句,作“是否”解,当宾语从句是肯定或疑问句时,if与whether可换用。下列情况只能用whether: 1)从句中有or not时;2)从句作介词宾语时;3)引导主语从句和表语从句时;4)在不定式前。注意:if可引导时间状语从句,而whether则不可。
  1. I don’t know ____ he still lives here.(沈阳市)
   A. where B. what C. when D. whether
  2. I wonder ____ it is worth ____. (烟台市)
   A. that; reading B. if; reading
   C. that; to read D. whether; to read
  3. I don’t know ____ (是否) he will come. (嘉兴市)
  [答案]1.D 2.B 3.whether/if
  10. hear of/hear from
  [词语辨析]1)hear of“听说,听到”,强调从别人那里间接得知; 2)hear from“收到某人的来信”,后常接表示人的单词或名词。
  1. Jack likes to ____ others but never writes to them.(厦门市)
   A. hear B. hear of C. hear about D. hear from
  2. If you don’t ____ me by two o’clock today, it means I won’t be coming.(广州市)
   A. hear B. hear of C. hear from D. hear about
  [答案]1.D 2.C
  11. have to/must
  [词语辨析]1)have to主要强调外界客观“必须”“不得不”做某事,不用于进行时态,且有人称和数的变化;2)must通常强调主观看法,认为“应该、必须”,还可表示猜测,意为“一定(肯定)是”;其否定形式为mustn’t,意为“一定不要、禁止”,所以回答Must的疑问句,否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to。
  1. You ____ play football in the street. It’s dangerous.(山东省)
   A. can’t B. must C. needn’t D. mustn’t
  2. Cars, buses and bikes ____ stop when the traffic lights change to red.(上海市)
   A. can B. may C. must D. need
  3. ——Must I go with them tomorrow?
   ——No, you ____. (江苏省)
   A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. can’t
  4. ——I can’t stop playing computer games.
  ——For your health, I’m afraid you ____. (南昌市)
   A. can B. may C. must D. have to
  [答案]1.D 2.C 3.C 4.D
  12. have gone to/have been to/have been in
  [词语辨析]1)have gone to“到某地去了”,说话时该人不在现场,主语为第三人称;2)have been to“曾经去过某地”,表示一段经历,含“现在已离开那儿”的意思,后可接次数(如once, three times等),也可与just, ever等连用;3)have been in“到某地多长时间了”,常与时间段连用。
  1. ——Is that Jack speaking?
  ——Sorry, he isn’t in right now. He ____ the cinema with his aunt.(北京市)
   A. has been to B. has gone to C. have been to D. have gone to
  2. ——Why is your foreign teacher’s Chinese so good?
  ——Because he ____ China for eight years. (浙江省)
   A. has gone to B. has been to C. has come to D. has been in
  3. ——I ____ Fujian Museum twice. How about you?
  ——Never. I hope to visit it soon. (福州市)
   A. have gone to B. have been to C. have gone D. have been
  [答案]1.B 2.D 3.B
  13. happen/take place
  [词语辨析]两个词均表示“发生”。相同点是:1)均为不及物动词,不能出现在被动语态中;2)以具体事为主语时,二者可换用。不同点:happen+不定式有“碰巧”的意思,指偶然发生;take place指预先策划好的“发生”,并引申为“举行”。
  1. Listen!The radio says a serious accident ____ (happen) last night. (南通市)
  2. Do you know ____ over there? (烟台市)
   A. what happens B. what was happened
   C. what is happening D. what did happen
  3. When will the meeting ____?
   A. take place B. happen
   C. be taken place D. be happened
  [答案]1.happened 2.C 3.A
  14. go on/go on with/go on doing/go on to do
  [词语辨析]1)前三者均有“继续做一件事”,“进行下去”之意,go on后一般是句号或逗号,即不再接其它词;而go on with后接名词或代词,当go on后还有动词时则把该动词变为动名词,就出现了go on doing (sth.);2)go on to do (sth.) 意思是“接着做(另一件事)”。
  It was getting dark, but the farmers worked on in the field.(四川省)
   A. went on to work B. went on workingC. went on
  15. else/other
  [词语辨析]这两个“其它的”用法不同:1)else用在who, whose, what等疑问代词之后,或something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词后作定语,作副词时,用在when, where后作状语; 2)other作形容词时常用在名词或代词前作定语;the other指两者中的另一个。
  1. Bob jumps farther than ____ in his class.(黑龙江省)
   A. any other boys B. the other boys
   C. any boy D. another boy
  2. Except some birds, what ____ (别的) can you see in the sky?
  [答案]1.B 2.else
  16. can/be able to
  [词语辨析]be able to与can都表示具有某种能力,译为“可以,有能力”。can是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,没有将来时和完成时,can可表示对过去事情的猜测,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。而be able to 可与will, shall, have 构成将来时和完成时。
  1. She will ____ finish the work tomorrow.(山西)
   A. can B. is able to C. could D. be able to
  2. Henry ____ be at home because he phoned me from the farm just
   A. mustn’t B. isn’t able to C. may not D. can’t
  [答案]1.D 2.D
  17. besides/except/except for/but
  [词语辨析]1)except “除……以外”,即把除去的部分减去,不能用于句首。2)but“把……除外”,“不包括”。用法基本与except相同。3)besides“除了……还有……”,“再加上”,即把除去的部分加上。4)except for “除了”,“只有”。用于说明基本情况后,而在细节上加以修正,相当于except+that从句。
  1. Where’s Lily? We are all here ____ her.(辽宁)
   A. beside B. about C. except D. with
  2. Ben’s composition is almost perfect ____ several spelling mistakes.(潍坊)
   A. except B. except for C. besides D. beside
  [答案]1.C 2.B
大米是我们最熟悉的主食。它会有哪些潜在的危险呢?我们请营养专家王枫教授为我们解答。  选购大米时要避免买到“抛光霉米”。有些不法商家通过打磨抛光,使霉变大米变得洁白光滑,再掺杂到好米里出售。王枫教授介绍,辨别大米好坏主要靠两点:首先是闻,抛光能除去大米发黄的表面,但除不去霉味;其次是观察米粒的完整程度,由于发霉后的大米硬度下降,打磨过程中会产生大量的碎米粒,所以发现碎米较多的话就要谨慎购买了。  