根据1999年医药统计年报资料 ,医药企业集团主要经济指标完成情况如下 :一、规模效益优势突出医药企业集团主要经济指标明显高于中小企业。1999年在行业排名前60家的大型企业集团的销售收入合计占全国医药行业销售收入的33 %。其中 ,销售收入在10亿元以上的有2?
According to the 1999 annual report of medical statistics, the major economic indicators of the pharmaceutical enterprise group are as follows: 1. The advantage of economies of scale highlights that the major economic indicators of the pharmaceutical enterprise groups are significantly higher than that of SMEs. In 1999, the sales revenue of the top 60 large-scale enterprise groups in the industry accounted for 33% of the national pharmaceutical industry sales revenue. Of which, there are 2 sales revenues over 1 billion yuan?