B股催活金融市场 我国居民外汇存款日趋增多

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据中国人民银行公布的统计资料表明,今年5月份我国外汇存款出现快速增加趋势。5月末,境内中资金融机构外汇各项存款余额达1346.7亿美元,比去年同期增长21.2%,1-5月外汇各项存款累计增加59.1亿美元。其中,5月份增加28.2亿美元,比去年同期增加10.8亿美元,占1-5月各项存款累计增加额的47.7%。企业外汇存款余额为496.3亿美元,比去年同期增长20.9%。1至5月累计增加34.3亿美元。比去年同期多增加22.5亿美元。其中,5月份当月增加21.2亿美元,比去年同期多增加17.7亿美元。居民外汇储蓄存款余额756.4亿美元,比去年同期增长22.2%。1至5月累计增加23.1亿美元。其中5月份增加10.8亿美元。 According to statistics released by the People’s Bank of China, foreign exchange deposits in China showed a rapid increase in May this year. By the end of May, the balance of foreign exchange deposits in domestic Chinese financial institutions amounted to 134.67 billion U.S. dollars, up 21.2% over the same period of last year. The total foreign exchange deposits in January-May increased by 5.91 billion U.S. dollars. Among them, it increased by 2.82 billion U.S. dollars in May, an increase of 1.08 billion U.S. dollars over the same period of last year, accounting for 47.7% of the accumulated increase in deposits in January-May. The balance of corporate foreign exchange deposits was 49.63 billion U.S. dollars, up 20.9% over the same period of last year. From January to May total increase of 3.43 billion US dollars. An increase of 2.25 billion U.S. dollars over the same period of last year. Among them, the month of May increased by 2.12 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 1,770 million U.S. dollars over the same period of last year. Resident deposits in foreign exchange savings 756.4 billion US dollars, an increase of 22.2% over the same period last year. January-May cumulative increase of 2.31 billion US dollars. Which increased by 1.08 billion U.S. dollars in May.
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