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回溯到新世纪刚刚开始的2001年,高盛证券公司首席经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔发表了一篇名为《全球需要更好的经济之砖》(The World Needs Better Economic BRICs)的论文,这里的“经济之砖”具体是指中国、巴西、俄罗斯和印度。“金砖国家”的概念,首次在世界经济领域出现,并逐渐成为“热词”。不过在那个时候,想必还没有多少人会想到,在2014年11月的金砖国家领导人非正式会晤中,中国国家主席习近平会把“金砖国家”在世界经济和政治领域中的地位,提升到一个前所未有的高度:“金砖国家合作要做到政治和经济‘双轮’驱动,既做世界经济动力引擎,又做国际和平之盾,深化在国际政治和安全领域协调和合作,捍卫国际公平正义。” Back in the beginning of the new century, in 2001, Jim O’Neill, chief economist at Goldman Sachs, published an essay entitled “The World Needs Better Economic BRICs,” where “Economic brick” specifically refers to China, Brazil, Russia and India. The concept of “BRIC countries” appeared for the first time in the world economy and gradually became the “hot word”. However, at that time, presumably, not many people would have thought that in an informal meeting of BRICS leaders in November 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping will put “BRIC countries” in the world economy and politics Status and elevate to an unprecedented height: “BRICS countries need to be politically and economically driven in their” two rounds, “both as the engine of world economic power and as a shield for international peace and deepening coordination in the field of international politics and security. Cooperate and defend international fairness and justice. ”
北京十里河特色街主要企业老总在商会召集下聚会桂林举行第三次高峰论坛,商讨如何应对危机,获得持续发展。    高峰论坛应危机    当众多家居企业还在争论美国次贷危机发展而成的金融危机是否会殃及中国家居业之时,作为北京家居行业唯一的特色街,十里河家居文化商业街已经在十里河商会的带领下开始了实质性的谋划。  10月29日,十里河商会会长,家和家美总裁田耘,十里河商会秘书长,保佳市场总经理石占成,美联天