Primary Approach to Water(Natural Monopoly) Industry Remodeling

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfzmj
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Natural monopoly,because of its spontaneous or natural characteristics, must have some mysterious causes of reasonableness.Thus,the regulations to its efficiency loss would have a different way compared to other monopolies. That the characteristics of natural monopoly,in the case of water industry, are that the infrastructure investments are very large,most of which are used to build the transportation system? The webs for transporting their products to their customers,and the products are identity goods or services.By examining the characteristics of natural monopoly,this paper proposed away to break upand remodel the industry of“natural monopoly”.The main clue of remodeling is that the governments,who represent the public and who have the power to control over public resources,should build and maintain a public web platform for the goods’ transportation uses, and break up the barrier ofthe entry so as to produce a market-oriented competitive structure.The running modeland the condition of remodeling are put forward and the cost-revenue analysis of the operation is briefly under consideration. Natural monopoly, because of its spontaneous or natural characteristics, must have some mysterious causes of reasonableness.Thus, the regulations to its efficiency loss would have a different way compared to other monopolies. That the characteristics of natural monopoly, in the case of water industry , that that the infrastructure investments are very large, most of which are used to build the transportation system? The webs for transporting their products to their customers, and the products are identity goods or services. By examining the characteristics of natural monopoly, this paper proposed away to break upand remodel the industry of “natural monopoly”. The main clue of remodeling is that the governments, who represent the public and who have the power to control over public resources, should build and maintain a public web platform for the goods ’transportation uses, and break up the barrier of the entry so as to produce a market-oriented competitive structure. the running modeland the c ondition of remodeling are put forward and the cost-revenue analysis of the operation is briefly under consideration.
北宋杰出史学家司马光曾说过这样一句话“为人母者,不患不慈,患于知爱而不知教也。”我们无法否认父母对于孩子的舐犊情深,但是当满怀的爱意不能以正确的方式表达出来,只能沦为走上歧路的溺爱。生活需要自己去面对,而父母的溺爱所营造的安逸环境只能使人消沉、放纵甚至堕落,只有那些能够独立自主地掌握生活技能的人才能成为真正的强者。  十九世纪末,英国康乃尔大学进行了一次青蛙实验。他们把青蛙突然扔进滚烫的开水锅里,
Predicting future human resources scientifically by adopting the quantitative analysis method of combining the sustained efficiency with production quantity—un
【内容摘要】初入学的小学生处于习惯养成的关键阶段,本文結合自身教育经历,从低龄学生行为特点入手,从环境适应、意识培养、学习方式以及评价激励等方面提出低年级学生习惯养成的路径选择。  【关键词】低年级学生 习惯养成 教育  《中国教育改革和发展纲要》中指出:要重视对学生进行中国优秀文化传统教育,对中小学生还要注意进行文明行为的养成教育。因此,掌握低年级学生的行为特点,从知、情、意、行的过程来进行文明
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