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  More than four hours after leaving Shanghai, I finally landed at the Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Although the guide who met us assured us that this was a nice, cool day, I was still recovering from the blast of hot, humid air.
  Once I’d recovered from the heat, the next thing to hit me was the noise. Ho Chi Minh City is filled with a medley of sounds: honking horns of motorcycles in a steady stream of traffic, roaring television shops, blaring cassette tape stands, the buzz of street side salespeople calling out to would-be customers.
  It was at dawn when we arrived at the city center. People rushed past; students in white school uniform swarmed around food vendors selling local delicacies; flashing lights illuminated historic buildings, the night markets were still bustling, with food and souvenirs displayed neatly.
  Once it was light Ho Chi Minh City began to take shape for me.Despite the fact that modern high-rises have begun to dominate the skyline in recent years, there are still many fine examples of French colonial architecture in the city.

  These include Notre Dame Cathedral, the Old Saigon Post Office, the Municipal Theater and the former Hotel de Ville.Meanwhile, crowded residential areas are full of French-style villas, French bakeries and cafes, pho restaurants and trendy boutiques and galleries.
  Ho Chi Minh City is Vietnam’s largest city, in the past renowned as the Pearl of The East and the Paris of the East.
  The economic, cultural, technological, trade and travel center of southern Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City is named after the country’s communist revolutionary leader, and have previously been known as Saigon and Prey Nokor.
   The Mekong Delta tour

  The Mekong Delta at the southernmost end of Vietnam is not only the location of Ho Chi Minh City, but the country’s main rice basket and fruit garden.
  The Mekong Delta is where the Mekong River approaches and empties into the South China Sea through a network of tributaries. As the world’s 12th-longest river and the seventh-longest in Asia, the river drains an area of 795,000 kilometers. It runs through China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
  Characterized by lowlands and earthladen brown water, the river separates into several branches. Beyond its banks, rice paddies extend to the horizon.
  A river tour of the Mekong River is a must as the river runs through Ho Chi Minh City.The fresh smell of the river greeted us when we approached the harbor where rows of boats were moored. In the distance, local fishermen are busy working on the boat. It was 6:30 in the morning, the sunshine warm and pleasant and the wind brisk. We sailed out on the Mekong River through the traffic of sand and rice barges, past house on stilts and the floating morning markets to experience local life.

开业时间:2013年11月  推荐理由:阿布扎比瑞吉酒店继续巩固喜达屋于奢华酒店业的领导地位。酒店座落于阿联酋首都心脏地带繁华的滨海区,将旗舰物业纽约瑞吉酒店的都市宏伟大宅设计风格、深厚的阿拉伯文化与华丽的装饰艺术元素集于一身。  奢华代名词  酒店大堂瑰丽迷人,其两道楼梯饰有华美的铜制栏杆,由地面一直向上延伸,绕过两根宏大的高柱;柱子将大堂茶廊Tea Lounge划分为自成一角的空间。Tea L
开业时间:2013年7月  推荐理由:马赛马拉探险是凯宾斯基最新推出的体验项目,适合深度旅游者。宾客可享受无与伦比的美景、精致餐饮,并且有机会体验当地大自然,享受凯宾斯基舒适和一流的服务。  坐落於马赛马拉Olare Orok保护区内,距离内罗毕一小时航程,距离蒙巴萨90分钟航程。马赛马拉是大型野生动物自然保护区,面积达1510平方千米,海拔1500至2170米。地形以草地和长满合欢树的森林为主。
开业时间:2013年2月  地址:离尼加拉瓜萨利纳斯,里瓦斯托公路10公里。  推荐理由:开业伊始,酒店就以他独特的地理环境和设计风格吸引了大批的游客前往,设计者将中美洲文化巧妙的融合在酒店室内外的一点一滴中,再加上大量奢华元素和奢侈旅游线路的加入,大大的弥补了尼加拉瓜乃至中美洲高端酒店的缺口,更是俨然成为该地区的奢侈概念基准。  尼加拉瓜位于中美洲中部,北接洪都拉斯,南连哥斯达黎加,东临加勒比海
近日,全国多家连锁酒店客人入住信息泄露事件引起人们关注。国内第三方漏洞监测平台乌云发布报告称,慧达驿站为国内大量酒店提供的无线门户认证系统存在信息泄露的安全隐患,其中知名快捷连锁酒店如家、汉庭等名字赫然在列。客户输入的姓名、房号、身份证号码等信息,在上传至服务器过程中,可能被窃取。黑客拿着这些认证信息,可以查到房客所在酒店所有的开房信息。  由于酒店为客人提供各项服务,必然会涉及到客人的个人隐私,
开业时间:2013年9月  推荐理由:“no’i”在梵文中译为“安宁之地”。Amano’i由此命名寓意着这片神奇的土地能够带给所有入住的宾客宁静与祥和。地处东海之边的白沙海滩,遥望VinhHy海湾,更有位于胡志明市东北部的主山国家公园环绕。Amano’i为世界各地旅客提供31间景观房,5座Aman Villa,有些住处甚至附带私人泳池。休闲娱乐设施包括Aman全套Spa服务与海滩俱乐部体验。  位
积阴成大雪,看处乱霏霏。  玉管鸣寒夜,披书晓绛帷。  黄钟随气夜,鷃鸟不鸣时。  何限苍生类,依依惜暮晖。  大雪 黄经255°  不经意间,大雪已至,雪光映射出一个安然祥和的别样世界。室外朵朵雪花飘舞,掩盖了尘缘俗事,净化了心中阴霾。  古代将大雪分为三候:一候鹃鸥不鸣;二候虎始交;三候荔挺出。意思是说,由于此时天气寒冷,寒号鸟不再鸣叫;阳气萌动,老虎开始求偶;而名为“荔挺”的兰草也抽出新芽。
11月15日下午,第一团队酒店招聘网首批上海实习生抵达上海。25名来自洛阳华富商学院的学生将在上海华港雅阁酒店进行为期一年半的实习。实习期间,学生们将全面接触到酒店餐饮、客房、前台等多个岗位,在上海这个中国最现代的城市里学习到与世界接轨的酒店服务理念。  同学们抵达上海后即得到了热情接待,上海华孜公司总经理徐启亲自带队,在酒店方的协助下,帮助同学们顺利办理了入职以及入住手续。为了让同学们更快地适应
开业时间:2013年8月  推荐理由:Mira Moon酒店是由被美国《纽约时报》誉为设计领域的“Lady Gaga”的著名设计师马塞尔?万德斯及国际知名建筑设计事务所Yoo Studio成立的Wanders & yoo的心血结晶,其设计风格富涵中国的文化与传统,设计灵感来源于中国嫦娥奔月的传说。其内有91间房间。房间设计风格分为三种:半月形、圆月形和新月形。置身于Mira Moon酒店,您可以感