1.实验前是否要检验一氧化碳的纯度?为什么? 答:是.因为点燃或加热混有空气或氧气的一氧化碳混合气可能有爆炸的危险,因此实验前必须检验一氧化碳的纯度. 2.实验开始时,刚向玻璃管内通入一氧化碳,能不能立即就给玻璃管内的物质加热?为什么?
1. Do you want to test the purity of carbon monoxide before the experiment? Why? Answer: Yes. Because the ignition or heating of carbon monoxide mixed with air or oxygen may cause explosion, the purity of carbon monoxide must be checked before the experiment. Did you just introduce carbon monoxide into the glass tube and could you immediately heat the material in the glass tube? Why?