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妊娠期鼻血管瘤比较少见,现将我们收治的12例报道如下。 1 一般资料本组12例,年龄为20~32岁,于妊娠3个月发病2例,4~6个月6例,6个月以上4例。血管瘤位于鼻中隔前部4例,中鼻甲2例,鼻腔侧壁4例,上颌窦2例。分娩后自行消退7例,手术摘除5例。 2 临床表现早期有鼻涕中带血或出血,出血量不大。继而出现鼻阻塞、头闷胀感,肿瘤逐渐增大,可压迫周围组织。据报道,肿瘤多发生于血管密集的鼻中隔前部,也可发生于下鼻甲前端、鼻腔底部、中鼻甲及鼻腔侧壁,发生于上颌窦者罕见。检查可见肿瘤呈淡红色、紫红色或暗红色。基底大小不一,呈带蒂息肉状或呈广基浸润。一般表面光滑,质硬,触之易出血;或有溃疡形成及血痴覆盖;或为坏死样组织,质软,可活动。肿瘤大小不一,且生长较快,可堵塞整个鼻腔或局限于鼻中隔。本组病 Gouty nasal hemangioma is relatively rare, now we receive 12 cases reported as follows. 1 General Information The group of 12 patients, aged 20 to 32 years, 2 cases of pregnancy in 3 months, 4 to 6 months in 6 cases, more than 6 months in 4 cases. Hemangiomas located in the anterior nasal septum in 4 cases, 2 cases of middle turbinate, nasal wall in 4 cases, 2 cases of maxillary sinus. After childbirth subsided in 7 cases, surgical removal in 5 cases. 2 clinical manifestations of nasal discharge in the early bloody or bleeding, bleeding is not. Followed by nasal obstruction, head dull feeling, the tumor gradually increased, can compress the surrounding tissue. It is reported that the tumor occurred in the vascular dense front of the nasal septum, can also occur in the inferior turbinate front, bottom of the nose, middle turbinate and nasal wall, occurred in the maxillary sinus are rare. Check the tumor was pale red, purple or dark red. Substrate sizes vary, pedunculated polypoid or extensive infiltration. General surface is smooth, hard, easy to touch the bleeding; or ulceration and covered with blood clots; or necrotic tissue, soft, movable. Tumors vary in size and grow rapidly, clogging the entire nasal cavity or confined to the nasal septum. This group of sick
患者申×女38岁汉族已婚河北定县人住院号373307 1981年6月22日入院。右眼球疼痛伴右侧偏头痛,视力下降8年,近1个月右眼无光感,恶心、呕吐,视物模糊,经县医院诊断为“青光眼
The E-iodohydroxylation of 1,2-allenylic sulfoxides with I2 in the presence of EtOH afforded 3-phenylsulfinyl- 2-iodo-2(E)-alkenols in good yields and regio/ste