近几年,轻武器的发展可谓是波澜不惊,没有诞生多少吸引眼球的“大片”。但2006年一支新武器以其另类的造型而人气飙升,这就是南非德莫克艾利比公司执导的PAW20。PAW是英文“个人突击武器”的缩写,意为20毫米口径的个人突击武器。从外形上看,PAW具有突击步枪的特征,但骨子里是地道的半自动榴弹发射器。令人费解的是,设计者以貌取名,将其命名为突击步枪(原名称后加assault rifle,突击步枪),隐藏了其榴弹发射器的真实身份。
In recent years, the development of light weapons can be described as placid, not how much eye-catching “blockbuster” was born. But in 2006 a new weapon soared in popularity with its alternative look and feel, which is the PAW20, directed by Democraci, South Africa. PAW is the abbreviation of English “personal assault weapon”, which means 20-caliber personal assault weapon. From the appearance point of view, PAW has the characteristics of assault rifles, but the bones are authentic semi-automatic grenade launchers. It is puzzling that the designer named him a named assault rifle (formerly named assault rifle, assault rifle), hiding the true identity of its grenade launcher.