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国门的开放与祖国日胜一日的富强,使众多百姓实现了环球巡游的梦想。自本期始,我们将介绍世界各地的风景名胜,以使朋友们在英语学习中更系统地储备异域风情的知识,从而在亲临此境时,更多地感受览胜的轻松。 The opening and closing of the country and the prosperity of the motherland day by day have enabled many people to realize the dream of a global parade. From this period onwards, we will introduce scenic spots around the world so that our friends can more systematically store exotic knowledge in English learning, so that when they visit this environment, they will feel the ease of viewing.
1971年的TOEFL有这样一道题: It was __ that we had gone for a walk.A)so beautiful day B)such beautiful a nightC)such a beautiful weather D)so beautiful a night正
The initial sketchy reports began filtering into the U. S. by E-maillate Saturday afternoon. First a Spanish observatory announced that it hadspotted a plume o
In the shadow of the trees reverberated The clear and melodious songs of the birds A child is wandering in a carefree dreamworld Under the umbrella is the shad
Beneath each of thc following sentences, there are four choices markedA, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Markyour answer on the A
在去茶卡盐湖的路上  高处是蓝天、云层  远方是雪山、经幡  和一幅幅流入人间的  天堂画面  雷电是诵经的声音  大雨是活佛拔动的念珠  牛肉面是压缩了的经卷  天越来越蓝,路越来越近  去茶卡盐湖的人,都像是佛  心底除了有一片蔚蓝  都持有盐的素面与品格  即便有恨,一路上  说的也是一口佛家语言  致热爱的土地  1  在通向通湖草原的路上  一片辽阔连接着一片苍茫  除了起伏的延绵沙丘 