创设语言情景 激发学习动力

来源 :初中生世界·初中教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzl2003cn
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  一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
  Knowledge aims:
  1. To learn the words about directions and how to read a map
  2. To learn to write a trip plan
  Ability aims:
  1. To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking and writing
  2. To develop the ability of working as a team
  Emotional aims:
  To make the students be more helpful and confident
  To tell the way with the sentence patterns:
  ‘A+ is+ direction+ of+ B’ and ‘A+ is+ to /on /in the direction+ of+ B’
  三、教学策略(Teaching strategies)
  四、教学工具(Teaching aids)
  English books, PPT, Multi-media
  五、教学过程(Teaching Procedures)
  Step 1. Lead-in
  T: First, let’s go through our studying aims in this class
  To achieve these aims, we have some tasks to do. Are you sure to finish the tasks? …Please remember: Group work is very important and helpful. I’m sure success is waiting for you.
  T: Boys and girls, shall we begin our class now? We know it’s spring now, and I think spring is the best time to go on a trip, right? Do you remember our last school trip to Shanghai Happy Valley? We took some photos, let’s enjoy!
  You see, we had a good time there. There are many interesting places in the park. Now tell me: What will be helpful if you want to find these places quickly?
  Step 2. Presentation and practice
  T: Now can you guess who is holding the map?
  (展示地图,自然地引出Eddie 和 Hobo 的漫画)
  T: Yes, Eddie and Hobo are also having a trip to Happy Valley. Let’s watch a video, and answer a question: Do they know the way?
  T: Now, listen to the tape and then answer some more questions on the screen.
  T: There is a national competition about dubbing. Do you want to take part in it? OK, today let’s have a class competition first. Before it, we should practise well, now read after the tape sentence by sentence.
  (屏幕上呈现一张英语趣味配音全国争霸赛的海报,引出要进行的配音比赛,并让学生明白参加比赛要先进行练习。学生跟着录音一句一句朗读,提高模仿能力,再进行两人操练, 开展竞赛,符合循序渐进的原理。明确评分标准,让学生自己评比,了解自己的不足和努力的方向)
  Step3. Presentation
  T: Now we know Eddie and Hobo can’t find the way although they have a map. Do you know why?   T: Yes, because they can’t read a map. If you want to read a map, you have to know the right directions first.
  T: Look at the screen, tell me which direction it is.
  T: Now, We’ve known the directions very well, let’s play a game called what’s missing! Look at the screen carefully, if you know the direction, just stand up and speak out. Do you understand? Ready? Go!
  Step 4. Presentation and practice
  T: Now let’s look at a map of our city. Can you find where our school is? Yes, it’s here. Do you know what’s around our school?
  The park is west of the school. = The school is east of the park.
  The neighbourhood is north of the school. = The school is south of the neighbourhood.
  The school is south-west of the bank. = The bank is north-east of the school.
  The gym is north-west of the school. = The school is south-east of the gym.
  T: Now we have learned how to describe the location, but the students in Sunshine Middle School haven’t. Here is a map of Sunshine Town,please help them find some places according to the sentences.
  T:Look at the four sentences, work in groups of four, try to sum up the sentence pattern. Then look at the map of China and talk about the location of some places.
  Where is Japan? Japan is east of China. = Japan is to the east of China.
  Where is Russia? Russia is on the north of China.
  Where is Jiangsu? Jiangsu is in the east of China.
  Where is Taiwan? Taiwan is in the south-east of China.
  (Then ask them to sum up the new patterns in groups again.)
  (Show students a map of Suzhou and ask them to say as many sentences as possible by using the new patterns. Work in groups of four, each group member must say at least one sentence. )
  Step 5. Listen, ask and answer
  T:Daniel and Simon are talking about their class trip. Let’s listen to their conversation and try to ask and answer. You can ask questions about four points: where to go, where is…, how far and how to get there.   (Then ask students to read the dialogue together.)
  Step 6. Consolidation
  T: Do you want to go on a class trip again? Please make a trip plan in groups. The plan should include time, place, location, transport, activities and something else. Each group member must say at least two sentences.
  (After that, the members in other groups try to ask and answer.)
  1. Where do they want to go for our next class trip?
  2. Where’s …? / What’s the location of…?
  3. How far is it? / How long does it take…?
  4. How can we get there?
  5. What can we do there?
  T: Now on the screen, I have some places for you to choose. However, we have ten groups in all, so there are three task cards with nothing inside. You have to think of a new place by yourselves.
  Step 7. Assessment
  T:What have you learnt in this class?
  Step 8. Homework
  1. Write a trip plan.
  2. Preview the new words and phrases of the reading part.
  五、板书设计(Blackboard Design)
  A is direction of B. = A is to the direction of B
  A is on the direction of B
  A is in the direction of B
  在这节课中,教师用心创设情境,营造了自由和谐的学习气氛。教学设计由易到难,环环相扣。注重学生的认知心理,主要训练了学生听说的能力。学生兴趣浓厚,积极主动 ,课堂气氛活跃 。
  在开展小组合作学习之后 ,学生互帮互助 ,竞争激烈 ,集体荣誉感增强,班级的学习气氛更加浓厚。特别是在课堂小组发言的过程中,每个成员都开口说英语,课堂发言面广 。此外帮同伴找错的环节,也有效培养了学生仔细倾听他人发言的良好习惯,避免了展示环节的形式化 。
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【设计思路】  综合比较人教,北师大,川教,岳麓四个版本,我选择了主线清晰的人教版为主教材,从中、日两个角度设计本课。  第一个事件——七七事变(角度:这是中国遭遇的国之不幸,也是让日本暴露了贪婪欲望的“文明之殇”);  第二个事件——南京大屠杀(角度:这是中国南京惨遭荼毒的举国之殇,也同样是日本这个民族的“人性之殇”)。  旨在揭示战争是对两个民族共同的伤害。  【教学目标】  1.知识与能力。