张浅潜 无处告白

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要怎样表白?不想陈述一份 流水涨,不想用牵强的语 言注解音乐,不想推开内心让你看清里面的伤痛与爱,不想细数感情留下的疤痕、音乐是唯一仅剩的情人,浅潜是在那儿抱着吉他唱她的《为艺术为爱情》,音乐的力量瞬间盖过了一切。 “穿过大街,穿过小巷,你来到我身旁。” 宽 How to confess? Do not want to state a run up, do not want to use distorted language annotation music, do not want to open the heart to let you see the pain and love inside, do not want to count the scar left by feelings, music is the only remaining lover, shallow dive is There, holding a guitar singing her “love for art”, the power of music instantly overshadowed everything. “Cross the street, cross the alley and you come to me.” Wide
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