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人到45岁左右时,由于晶状体逐渐硬化,弹性减退,以及睫状肌的衰弱,眼的调节功能也随之减退,以致发生“老视”或“老花”.由于人们无时无刻都需用目力,所以对“老花”容易发现,也较重视。对于角膜老年环,虽然也是角膜单纯的原发性老年变性,它对视力一般不影响,人们常不注意。但也有人为此而造成精神负担。为了具体了解角膜老年环的发病情况,现将我们对812人的调查结果作一报道。资料来源受检者多为干部、知识分子和农民,年龄在50~88岁的双眼角膜无明显的其他病变和无影响角膜的全身病者。我们共调查812人,有角膜老年环者630人,占77.59%,其中男性594人,有角膜老年 When people are about 45 years of age, “presbyopia” or “presbyopia” occurs due to gradual sclerosis, diminished elasticity, and debilitating ciliary muscles, as the regulatory function of the eye diminishes, , So the “presbyopia” easy to find, but also more attention. For the corneal ring, although it is also a simple primary degeneration of the cornea, it does not affect the visual acuity, people often pay attention. But there are also people who are mentally burdened by this. In order to understand the incidence of corneal ring of the elderly, we now report on the findings of 812 people. Most of the subjects were cadres, intellectuals and peasants. There were no other pathological changes in corneas between 50 and 88 years old and no systemic corneal diseases. We investigated a total of 812 people, 630 corneal ring elderly, accounting for 77.59%, of which 594 were male, corneal elderly
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