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地壳的波浪状镶嵌构造学说,是张伯声教授创立的一种地壳构造和地壳运动理论假说.这一假说的思想萌芽于1959年.当时主要阐明的问题是,相邻二地块在不同地质历史时期都以它们之间的活动带为支点带,互作天平式摆动,并相应地引起支点带本身与之同时做激烈的波状运动.1962年,在此基础上提出了整个地壳是由不同级别的激烈运动的活动带与不同级别的相对稳定的地壳块体相结合而形成的一级套一级的镶嵌构造.并把相邻二地块的天平式摆动在空间上扩大范围来统一考虑,引伸出地块波浪的概念.自此以后,经过张伯声教授等不断地研究,逐步系统化、理论化,成为目前的地壳波浪状镶嵌构造说.波浪状镶嵌构造有别于五十年代以来国外某些学者提起过的地壳的镶嵌构造.他们只是认为地壳的某些部分像一层“巨大的角砾”,杂乱无章地镶嵌在一起.而波浪状镶嵌构造说则认为地壳的镶嵌是有规律的,其空间展布、运动变化都好像是几个系统的波浪的相互交织. The wavy tectonic tectonics of the crust is a theoretical hypothesis of crustal structure and crustal movement founded by Professor Zhang Bosheng.The idea of ​​this hypothesis sprouted in 1959. The main elucidation at that time was that the adjacent two parcels in different geological history periods All take the activity belt as the fulcrum and interact with each other to balance swinging and correspondingly cause the fulcrum belt itself to do intense wavy motion at the same time.In 1962, on the basis of this, it is proposed that the whole crust is composed of different grades Intense activity belt with different levels of relatively stable crustal blocks formed by the combination of a set of one level of mosaic structure and the adjacent two blocks of the balance swing in space to expand the scope of unified consideration, extension Since then, through the continuous study of Professor Zhang Bosheng, gradually systematic and theoretical, has become the current crustal wavy mosaic structure that wave-like mosaic structure is different from some of the foreign since the 1950s Scholars have mentioned the mosaic of the crust, they only think that some parts of the crust like a layer of “huge breccia”, messy mosaic together, and wavy mosaic He said making the crust inlaid think there is a pattern, its spatial distribution, movements change are intertwined like waves of several systems.
2005-2006赛季常规赛 NBA球员签约,交易动态 2月17日魔术队用卡托和一个首轮选秀权交换活塞队的米利西奇和阿罗约 2月15日洛杉矶快艇用韦尔克考斯换来超音速队身高2米08的前
Objective To study clinical significance and the difference of calcitonin receptor stimulating peptide-3(CRSP-3) expression in placenta tissue between normal pr