Effects of geometry on the sound field in atria

来源 :建筑模拟(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s8583527
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The atria in commercial buildings are widespread. However, the sound environment has not been given sufficient consideration. Geometry affects the acoustics in the atria. The concept of geometry in this paper includes five parameters, namely, length (l), height (h), aspect ratio of length to width (l/w), skylight form and slope, to provide suggestions for the acoustic environment design in atria. A series of computer models are simulated to analyse the effects of the form parameters on the acoustic environment, such as sound pressure level (SPL) and reverberation time (T30 in this paper). The results indicate that with an increase in the length or height, the values of the average SPL decrease, and the trends of the curves are logarithmic. For an increasing length, theT30 increases first sharply and then slowly. With the scattering increasing, the increment of theT30 is smaller. For an increasing height, the changes ofT30 are determined by the absorption and scattering. In terms of the aspect ratio ofl/w increasing for a given volume and area, the average SPL values approximately decrease linearly; furthermore, theT30 decreases unless the atrium is extremely high. TheT30 is the longest for a flat skylight compared to that of other forms, and it is shorter when the skylight has a slope, including either a single or a double-pitch skylight. It can decrease nearly by 40% when the angle of the lean-to skylight is 7°. TheT30 is lower and the amount of decrease is considerably smaller for an increasing slope. When the absorption is evenly distributed in the atria, the skylight has minimal effect on the average SPL orT30 values. Additionally, the classical formula can approximately calculate the SPL distribution unless the atrium is in a form of long space. The Arau-Purchades formula is generaly appropriate to predictT30 with uneven absorption distributions unless the absorption or scattering coefficient is low.
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