1 2013年9月16日,台风刚刚过境,大阪市北区内的淀河水流比往日要湍急得多。中国留学生严俊三年前大学毕业后来日本,目前正准备攻读大阪市立大学博士学位,此刻正沿着岸边慢跑。2突然,严俊听到身后传来阵阵呼救声。回头一看,发现一名男童正在翻滚的河水里挣扎,眼瞅着就要被河水淹没,有生命危险。3落水的是当地一名9岁的小学生,事发时正在东海道新干线高架桥附近拍摄因台风而泛滥的河水风景。由于相机的SD卡不慎掉入河堤,小男孩俯身去捡,却因湿滑的河堤,一下子落入水中。
1 On September 16, 2013, the typhoon just crossed the border and the water of the Yodo River in the northern part of Osaka City was much more turbulent than before. Yan Jun, a Chinese student, came to Japan after graduating from college three years ago and is currently preparing to pursue a doctorate at Osaka City University. At the moment, he is jogging along the shore. 2 Suddenly, Yan Jun heard behind buzzing cry for help. Looking back, I found a boy struggling in the tumble of the river, seeing that she would be inundated by the river and had a life-threatening danger. 3 A 9-year-old elementary school student who fell into the water was shooting a typhoon-laden river near the Tokaido Shinkansen viaduct. Due to the camera’s SD card accidentally dropped into the embankment, the boy bent down to pick up, but because of slippery embankment, all of a sudden fall into the water.