Structural Studies on Fe_(60)Cu_(40) System Bimetals of Mechanical Alloying

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yatai1980
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Mechanical alloying (MA), which has been described by Benjamin, is an industrialpowder metallurgy method known from the 1970s. In recent years, MA producesmany new materials. Especially it can be used to synthesize amorphous alloy whichcannot be alloyed ordinarily by rapid liquid quenching (including metals which areimmiscible in liquid state, or in composition region near non-cocrystalline point), sothis method has been studied intensively in preparing amorphous alloys. Anotheruse of the method is to extend the solid state solution of certain immiscible metals. Mechanical alloying (MA), which has been described by Benjamin, is an industrial polisher metallurgy method known from the 1970s. In recent years, MA producesmany new materials. Particularly it can be used to synthesize amorphous alloy which cannot be alloyed ordinarily by rapid liquid quenching ( including metals which areimmiscible in liquid state, or in composition region near non-cocrystalline point), sothis method has been studied intensively in preparing amorphous alloys. Anotheruse of the method is to extend the solid state solution of certain immiscible metals.
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