
来源 :仪器仪表标准化与计量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:milamiya2009
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机械工业部仪器仪表工业局为了表彰仪器仪表系统的标准化人员的功绩,曾于1984年根据《中华人民共和国标准化工作管理条例》第37条和《第一机械工业部标准化管理条例(草案)》第28条规定的精神,评选首批标准化积极分子,计标准化优秀工程师四人,标准化积极分子四十三人,表扬四十七人,起到了很好的作用。1986年5月,机械工业部仪器仪表工业局又以(86)仪标字114号文件通知各省市机械(仪表)厅(局)、公司和行业归口所,颁发了《仪器仪表系统“六五”期间标准化先进集体和先进工作者评选条例》,要求按照规定的评选范围、条件和办法将本地方和单位的候选的先进单位及个人报送机械部仪表局,由国家标准局、机械部科技司、机械部标准化所和仪表局的局处领导组成的评审委员会进行了评选。评选结果如下:1.先进单位9个;2.表扬单位12个;3.先进个人21名;4.表扬个人126名;5.表扬支持标准化工作的单位领导9名。评选结果已于1986年12月2日以(86)仪标字第327号文件通知各有关省市机械(仪表)厅(局)、公司和各行业归口所。通知内称:因名额所限,对已申报评选材料但未评上的标准化集体和个人,请主管部门在系统内部(行业所在本单位内)予以表扬,以资鼓励。通知又称:请各有关单位将被评为先进个人以及表扬个人和领导的先进事迹和光荣称号记入本人档案,作为业务考绩和晋级调资的依据之一。 In order to honor the achievements of the standardization personnel of the instrumentation system, the Instrument and Meter Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Machinery Industry had been in accordance with Article 37 of the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Standardization Management” and the “Regulations on the Standardization of the First Ministry of Machinery Industry (Draft)” in 1984. In the spirit of the 28 regulations, the first group of standardization activists was selected, four standardization and excellent engineers were accounted for, and forty-three standardization activists and 47 persons were commended, which played a very good role. In May 1986, the Instrument and Meter Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Machinery Industry notified the provinces and municipalities of the mechanical (instrument) offices (bureaus), companies, and industries, and issued the “instrumentation system”. The “Regulations on the Selection of Advanced Collectives and Advanced Workers during the Period of the Five-Year Plan” require that the advanced units and individuals that are candidate for this place and unit be submitted to the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Instrument Bureau in accordance with the scope, conditions, and methods of the selection, and the National Bureau of Standards and Machinery The evaluation committee composed of the Department of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Machinery Standardization, and the Bureau of the Instrument Bureau conducted the selection. The results of the selection were as follows: 1. 9 advanced units; 2. 12 units of commendation; 3. 21 advanced individuals; 4. 126 individuals; 5. 9 leaders who praised standardization work. The result of the selection was notified on December 2, 1986 to (86) instrument label No. 327 document to all relevant provincial and municipal mechanical (instrument) halls (bureaus), companies, and various industries. According to the notice, due to limited quotas, the standardized collectives and individuals that have not yet been appraised on the basis of the submitted evaluation materials are requested to commend the department in charge within the system (in the unit where the industry is located) for encouragement. The notice also stated that: All relevant units are required to record their advanced deeds and honorable titles as advanced individuals and individuals and leaders for their own records as one of the basis for business performance appraisal and promotion of capital increase.
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信息论学会信息理论学术讨论会1987三季度 5天 100人待定电子元件学会第六届学术年会1987 10月 7天250人常州遥感遥测遥控学会第二届年会1987 11月 5天 120人 Information
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